
How long did everyone have to wait before they could exercise ? Run ?

And is your pacer set and working all the time or "as needed" ...


work out

by Sociald13 - 2012-01-06 01:01:04

i just had my surgery in sep 2011 and i started power walking about 6 weeks after. ive been working out at the gym for over a month now on the tredmill and elliptical and i feel fine. i tried to do weights but i am just not ready just yet. i felt a burning sensation on the inside of my incision so i stopped for now...i will wait a bit longer for it to heal...when i do jog i sometimes have to stop for a bit because i do feel the heavyness of the pm, no pain just a funny feeling, i guess i just have to get used to still gives me the heebie jeebies to know i have a foreign object in me...i also do 6 to 7 mile hikes on weekends and all is do what feels good to you and if you do feel a discomfort stop and try something that you do feel ok with...and yes your pacemaker is set to work no matter the situation...if it hasnt been no more than 4 weeks since your surgery just make sure you have the strength to work out and dont start like a pro take it easy at first...test it out.

good luck


Try Sex

by Tattoo Man - 2012-01-06 06:01:57

Tattoo Man here, I have written earlier..all the rest is current have been given the gift of life that maybe ,before , was not so clear.
Now you have it,..
Nobody can tell you not to be scared...your feelings are your own...and are real.

Sure it feels funny / yukky and that so DIFFERENT..different is about adjustment and redefinission..we do it all the time , but a PM accelerates that 'essential' re-adjustment, just when we dont want to do is forced on us..and we are , like Real People , not Victims.

Choices, and please people might feel after PM

Feel sorry for you self

Feel sad , lonely, unloved, wierd, outside, hopeless, futureless, .......?worthless??

Try, Not Normal,..The Outsider.......No..

Y0ur mates might have a new LEXUS


Live Long

Tattoo Man xx


by Duke Heart Patient - 2012-01-06 09:01:59

Ive had my pm 3 weeks today and I fool ok just tired still. I played horse today with the kids (basketball) but just used my right arm to shoot. I hope I haven't overdone anything.i have a burning feeling right on the middle of my chest but below my heart. Hope that lead hasn't come out . But I would know cause my heart rate would drop back down to the 50's like before. Also now I think I pulled a muscle in my back ..... I'm falling apart.

Check with your DR...

by Heidiglassmeyer - 2012-01-06 12:01:50

It's been a while so I don't remember exactly how long. I'm a swimmer and I think it was 6 weeks due to the arm movements. I thought I remember running/4 weeks but i could be totaly wrong. Ive read of people walking as early as a few days and they eased back into running. Your body will tell you if it's too much too soon, If you do a search in the upper right corner of the site I'm sure you find some posts on the topic. I remember seeing one recently about returning to running.

You may find that when you start exercising that you'll need a PM adjustment. I had several, including on a treadmill with my EP and a tech there when I was experiencing symptoms, and it did the trick. I have heard others doing the same. I had my AV node ablated so I am paced all the time.

6 weeks was what I was told

by COBradyBunch - 2012-01-08 01:01:01

but I probably started some exercise after 3-4 but then again I have never been good at listening to doctors. It was REALLY HARD at first, partially because I was uber aware of my heart and have to say a bit paranoid. I am on demand for heart block and did have to deal with settings issues with my doc and tech since they had my RHR set to high and my MHR set way to low (my RHR when fit is in the mid 50's and they had me set for 70 to start and my max is about 180 and they had me set for 120 on that end). Work with your doc, work with your tech, start slow but steady and realize that you can do thing... To see where you can reach check this out..

You know you're wired when...

You are always wired and full of energy.

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