I had a PM installed 2 weeks ago. I understand that I can't train for a couple of months. Until about 3 months ago I trained MMA. I understand that boxing, kickboxing and any stand up / striking combat sports are out of the question. However, is any one training BJJ? If so what / how are you doing it? just let the gym and your training partners know? Do you fight tourniments? Are there any pads, protective gear that might help?


There is a chest pad

by christ1381 - 2010-12-15 12:12:45

I found one a long time ago, that was designed to go over the left side of your chest to provide that extra protection. I know its out there. So don't get discouraged, I wish I could me help and tell you what it it specifically.

pacemaker protection

by ZoieS - 2010-12-17 10:12:04

Try paceguard. It is designed specifically for the protection of a pacemaker from direct impacts. It is designed to withstand the impact from a baseball traveling 80 mph. There has been quite a few people who use this product for martial arts. Both right side and left side protection is available.

im going thru it now

by ASandhu645 - 2016-12-27 11:50:42

did you end up giving up BJJ?

ASandhu645 i msg'd you privately

by bionicpulse - 2017-01-31 04:01:33

I didn't give it up and neither did a number of guys I've found on the internet. Check your private messages. 

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