
Will having albinism affect my condition? I am fully dependent n my pm.


PMs Don't Care

by J.B. - 2010-12-08 01:12:16

I know our pacemakers do not care what the color of our skin may be. Also, I have never known a pacemaker to be affected by changes in body chemistry. Its only concern is keeping your heart beat at some designated rate.


by LS - 2010-12-08 10:12:02

I did a search on albinism.
I'm not a medical person, nor have I ever claimed to be, but I don't see how one could affect the other?
Not sure if you take any meds for either condition, but as always, different meds might interfere with others, so always make your Dr. aware of what you take.
Maybe you could call the Dr. office & tell them you'd like to ask this question & have him or her call you at their earliest convenience. I would imagine either the Dr. or someone from the office could answer this for you.


by Edouard - 2010-12-08 10:12:05

I note that you've already posted this once and have gotten no response. I think that despite the wide range of experience available in this forum, you've managed to stump the members!
I can't think of a reason for which albinism would affect your heart, but then, what do I know? I'm just a real estate guy.
Your doctor is probably the best source to answer your question. Before your next visit, prepare your questions and when you see him (her) don't be satisfied with vague or incomplete answers. Make sure that you get the whole story.
Good luck


by LS - 2010-12-08 10:12:54

What is albinism???
I saw you ask this before, but have no idea what this is?

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