Muscle pain?


I posted a message regarding chest pain at night a while ago. I went to the doctor and he said I am fine, saying that it could be the muscles around my heart hurting. Can I make it go away?



He's a doc?

by ElectricFrank - 2011-01-15 11:01:01

There is a lot of things that can cause muscle pain. There are lots of small muscles between the ribs (intercoastal muscles) and these can become painful from deep breathing, coughing, sneezing, etc. At my age, 80 yrs, this sort of thing goes with the territory. If I can poke around and find a sore spot I have a good idea it isn't likely to be fatal in the next 10 minutes! LOL

A couple of Tylanol before bed can help.


muscle pain

by Pookie - 2011-01-18 02:01:12

Hi smallworldbigdream:)

Love your username by the way!!!

This pain that you have - you say it's only at night? Is it when you are in bed? I'm asking because I had something similar happen to me and it ended up being heartburn, so I had to start taking Prevacid which helps reduce the acid coming back up into the esophagus.

However it could be from anything, so you need to discuss it again with your doctor and if he/she doesn't take you seriously - then it's time to find a new doctor. In my opinion, the least your present doctor could have given you is a simple chest Xray to see if your leads are in place and if you have any fluid in your chest.

Pain is the only way our bodies can tell us that something is not right, so it's up to you to "push" your doctors into helping you find the solution.

Sometimes a new set of eyes (a new doctor) is the answer - here's my personal thoughts on getting a 2nd opinion: the 2nd doctor wants to find the source of your problem then it looks like he/she has won and can pat himself on the back that he found the answer all the while the 1st doctor could not. Just my thought.

Don't let this issue go, don't tell yourself that time will heal, all time does is make you worry and get stressed out.

Call your doctor like I mentioned and if he won't listen, find someone who will. Remember - the squeaky wheel gets the grease!!!!!!!!

Take care,

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