hiatal hernia

Has anyone ever had a hiatal hernia with a pacemaker?  I am still having chest pain (PM put in December of2010).  All the block tests are coming back ok.  Doctor says pain from this hernia can mimic symptoms of heart attack.  Any comments?


Hiatal Hernia

by SMITTY - 2011-01-27 12:01:20

Hi Fiddlesticks,

I've never had a hiatal hernia but one of our sons did and your Dr is correct about the pains one can mimic. He was sure bypass surgery was in his future. Medication, diet and knowledge of what his problem really was solved a lot of his problem.

If you will go Google you will see many articles on this subject. This is just one I saw.

"Hiatal Hernia has been called the "great mimic" because it mimics many disorders. A person with this problem can get such severe pains in their chest that they think they are having a heart attack. They may think they have an over acid stomach because they will regurgitate stomach acid after they eat, or their stomach may hurt so badly they will think they have an ulcer. This is just a sampling of the symptoms that may occur from this disorder."

Good luck,


hiatal hernia

by sugar - 2011-01-29 10:01:41

Get it fixed if you can. My father and brother had hiatal hernias - the reflux is what caused my brother's tumor. I don't think it is a hard fix - get the heart dr. to refer you to a dr. that he would use if he had a hernia.


by fiddlebritches - 2011-02-02 01:02:13

I go to a gastroentraligist on thurs so hopeing to get some answers why I still have pain in my chest and left arm after almost 2 months hope he can shed some light

went to gastro

by fiddlebritches - 2011-02-11 02:02:06

I had a endosopy and colonoscopy the dr put in a thing called a Bravo in my esophgus to record acid , then when I got home and studyed up on it it says a bravo should not be placed when you have a pacemaker , called the cardio and his answer was he never heard of one but if the gastro though it was ok not to worry ya right if I lay on my left side I get a shock it has been a fun week hope every one elses was better.

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