Lead Replacement

Hi everyone,
Can anyone tell me how long I should take to recover after lead replacements? Can I drive? What about returning to work - I'm a school teacher.

I really appreciate any advice that you can offer.



by RubySlippers - 2011-01-03 06:01:15

Thanks for your reply Tracy. I'm not sure when it is but think it's pretty soon so work may be disrupted quite a bit.

same as first placement

by Tracey_E - 2011-01-03 08:01:10

The restrictions after a lead replacement are the same as when you got it the first time. I had a lead replaced last year, the old ones were not extracted. My instructions when I went home were no driving for a month but when I went back for a 2 week check up I asked and he said it was ok to drive. No lifting or raising the arm above shoulder level for 6 weeks. Going back to work depends what you do. As a teacher, you should be able to go back pretty quickly if you feel up to it. Can you plan it for when there is a three day weekend?

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