many new symptoms since implant

I’m a 54 yo male, have had chronic AF for about 8 or 9 years. Have had 2 cardioversions in the past and have been permanently out of rhythm for last 2 or 3 years. Not a big deal to me, I am used to it, know what it does, and know what it is when symptoms become noticeable. I have been seeing same cardiologist throughout and have never in entire time called for an appointment due to abnormal conditions, every appointment has been routine and scheduled at the previous appointment.

Had PM implant done exactly 31 days ago after EKG and subsequent holter recording at routine checkup showed HR 45-130. Implant went great, no problems, home the same day. Day 3, EP checked incision and changed bandage. Day 4 went for short walk and breathing became irregular. Went home and rested, but after several hours, breathing had not returned to normal and I felt like there was a distinct weight belt around the bottom of my ribs. Also had occasional odd sensations/pain/soreness in chest as well and felt as if heart was beating harder than normal. Went to ER, was admitted, had number of tests run, no definitive answers- best guess seemed to be fluid buildup.

In the mean time, BP went low (hospital changed my regular meds). EP said any further problems, I would need a heart cath. Was discharged day 6. Went to schd appt with EP day 7 to have staples removed.  Day 8 I didn’t feel right, but not terrible so did nothing special except eat beano thinking it may have to do with gas build up. Some relief but not much. Day 9 thru 17 began to get strange sensations in chest, neck and arms, sometimes in waves, not unlike a niacin flush but a different sensation. Accompanied by lightheadedness and occasionally pain(s) and soreness in the chest and both sides of lower neck. Generally felt weak and overall unwell (very unusual for me).They didn’t happen everyday, but when they did, they could last for hours off and on.

Finally saw EP again day 17 while problems were occuring. BP was a little high, but nothing showed on EKG. EP performed chemical stress test on day 18 which showed insufficient blood flow on left side of heart. Tests are known to have 20% error rates, but further justified heart cath and I was referred to another cardiologist of my choice for procedure. Between day 19 and 30, intensity or frequency of symptoms seemed to increase. I felt they may be linked to Indomethacin, a medication I take on an as needed basis for another condition and so I quit taking it altogether on day 23. That helped, but did not stop these episodes. Please note that my medications have not changed in many months with the exception of what they gave me in the hospital. In fact, EP even discontinued a BP med when I was hospitalized.

Had heart cath day 31. No problematic blockages found (30% blockage was on one artery and 20 % in several others). For the uninitiated, stents are not generally considered for blockages of less than 70%. Day 31 had mild episode of aforementioned symptoms again. Also checked blood sugar 2x on day 31, once was 107 and 83 the 2nd time.

Any ideas on what could cause this? I have an implant followup appt scheduled with EP next week. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Welcome ocala

by Pookie - 2011-01-05 01:01:55


It seems like you sure are having a lot of issues with your pacemaker.

The first thing that popped into my head when I read it was: well, this person has been seen by an EP as that was going to be my first suggestion....

and now it is my first suggestion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a lot of issues for many many years and only when I finally was referred to an EP did I not only feel a whole lot better but I also got my life back.

Please do your best to be seen by an EP as they can make all the difference in how you feel.

I wish you the very best.

Take care,

a silly question

by wired for sound - 2011-01-05 02:01:42

but I presume they did do a chest xray after all of this to check that your lungs are ok?

Response to comments (so far)

by ocala - 2011-01-05 08:01:57

I will check on referral to EP during next appointment cardiologist. And yes several xrays have been done as well as echocardiograms (2x), EKG's, Cat scan, chemical stress test, and blood work.

addendum to post

by ocala - 2011-01-05 12:01:19

By the way, I am new here and erroneously thought EP and cardiologist were interchangeble. So, when reading above post think cardiologist instead of EP! Sorry. Also noticed I failed to mention the implant was checked by manufacturers rep while I was in the hospital and said it was working fine, pacing 2% of the time.

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