
Hi all, Got my PM on 12-28-10.  Everything seemed to be going well. Today I started to get some pain near my heart. Sorta feeling like a gas pain, sorta cramping. If I take a deep breath it hurts also. If it still hurts me tomorrow, I will call the doctor. Has this happened to anyone else?


A thought

by ElectricFrank - 2011-01-26 01:01:38

Are you just starting to get active after having the implant? Sometimes just starting to do activities that bring on deeper breathing will use chest muscles that haven't had this much demand on them for a while. Try feeling around on your chest in the area that hurts and see if you can find a sore area.

Slightly different, but I went hiking out in our desert last week to celebrate some very nice weather. I climbed a couple of 400' hills and then drove my Jeep around for another hour. The next day I had very sore chest muscles. Same thing as you mentioned like a deep breath hurt. My chest muscles cramped leaning over to put on shoes.

If you've seen the ads on TV that refer to heart attacks as the "Widow Maker", I call this sort of chest pain as the "Profit Maker". With that chest cramp I "should" have gone to ER, spent the nite in the the hospital for observation, and helped their bottom line. Instead I massaged the sore, cramping area and it went away.




by Winter Dove - 2011-01-26 08:01:20

Due to the high dosages of medication i take, i developed acid reflux. (nasty, nasty heartburn!) The pain goes all the way up my throat. Maybe you are experiencing that.

For sure check with your doc.

Winter Dove

Go see the doc!

by shockbox340 - 2011-01-31 10:01:33


There are several things that could cause this type of feeling, but one is the lead actually poking through your heart muscle. It is rare, but that pain with a deep breath is a classic sign. A chest x-ray will rule this out. If you haven't been in yet, go see your doctor!

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