Hi everyone, I have my pm about 6 weeks now and I got a nasty cold, cough, chest tightness. Is this something I should just ride out or do I need to call the doc.


For peace of mind....

by Pookie - 2011-02-10 06:02:19

call your family doctor and get checked out as you did mention chest tightness and I've never had that when I've had a cold (perhaps others have???)

my last head cold was in october and I decided to let it runs it's course - I ended up with Bronchitis. Not fun.

I always try and tend to err on the side of caution (probably because I have no luck and have had SO many medical issues after having received my pacer.)

my motto: when in doubt; get yourself checked out by a doctor.


getting sick

by Tracey_E - 2011-02-10 07:02:53

The only thing we need to be a little more paranoid about than everyone else is any symptoms of strep- fever with a bad sore throat. That should be checked out immediately because strep can damage the heart if untreated. Regular colds we're no different than anyone else, just check the labels of any otc meds you take because some of them don't mix with heart conditions/heart medications.

Feel better! Find some hot tea and chicken soup :)

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