Fast heart rate what's up? I walked in the hospital 2 months ago with Cardio Block 3. Two days later I had a pacemaker. I went in for a check up this week and now I seems to have went from a slow heart rate to a fast heart rate. Not all the time. I had 4 "episodes" last month. My dates of when it happened were verified with the PM history.

Now my doctor has me on Atenolol 25 MG split in half. A half in the morning and a half in the evening. My problem is it makes me feel funky. I've only been on it 2 days but I feel a heaviness in my chest and I feel like I can't take a deep breath. I have always been super sensitives to drugs. They had to pull me of Lisiniprol earlier this year.

I'm only pacing 4% in the top of my heart and 2% in the bottomw. Is my heart just mad now that it's working more efficiently and figures it will give me something else to worry about? How do you go from being Brady to Tachy? Is this common? Has anyone else had this happen and what has been your solution? This has me a little concered. Any input would be appreciated.



I'm having a problem with the same.

by sugarleaf4 - 2011-02-19 04:02:52

I just went in for a pm check Thursday and was informed by the nurse that I had 2 episodes of Afib, PAC and PVC runs. Now, I thought my pacer was supposed to take care of the heart problem of Bradycardia, not create new ones! She shot an email to my cardio and told me we'll give it about 8 weeks on the new tweaking (up to 70 bpm from 60) --- some issues may be resolved by the higher adjustment she said. We'll see.

I wonder if having new problems arise is common after pm implantation. Can anyone address this question in another post in the general section, please?

Sounds familiar

by Edouard - 2011-02-19 11:02:55

Hi Debbie
Your story sounds familiar. I'm a 59 year-old physically active male who had been followed over the last +/- 3 years for bradycardia and type 2 AV block. I collapsed last may and was fitted with a 2-lead Sorin Rely PM after the doctors determined I had Sick Sinus Syndrome ("SSS"). Everything went quite well afterwards, no pain, good levels of energy, quick recovery etc. Then about a month ago, I started getting episodes of dizziness, severe shortness of breath and pounding heart, at inopportune moments. For example, I'd swim vigorously for +/- 3 km and feel fine and then, an hour later, go up one flight of stairs and it would hit me.
I called my cardio and he saw me a few days later. To make a long story short, it seems that I am now experiencing episodes of tachycardia. It would appear that this is one of the possible results of SSS. Because the episodes are fairly short-lived, my physician does not seem overly concerned. He has given me a prescription for 25 mg twice daily of Lopressor, but I am to take it only if my situation worsens and after discussion with him. We will be monitoring the situation and I am to get a 24-hour Holter monitor in mid-March.
In brief, I am not to panic, but we will keep an eye on the situation. In the meantime, I am going to race in a swim meet today.
I hope this helps you a bit.

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