There is a light!!!

Ok.... I went to my cardio today. I have only had one tachy episode since Feb 15th. My BP is good and I am off all meds. I go back in a month to double check everything and with any luck I’ll be on the 3 month monitoring schedule.

Here’s my story so maybe some of you will see there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to push through the bad stuff first.

After a very long and trying 31/2 months things are starting to look up.

I went in the hospital on Dec 11, Dec 14th I have a PM. I didn’t have any pre-existing problems. I walked in the hospital because of having trouble breathing and an erratic pulse. Next thing I’m being told is my HR is down in the thirties, sleeping it was in the twenties...bam PM time. When I came home I got a terrible cold with a horrid cough. On Dec 28th went back to the hospital to have a lead re-attacted in my ventrical due to coughing. Because I had been on a beta blocker they thought I needed a BP med, so they gave me Lisinoprol. This preceded to drop my BP so low I couldn’t walk around Krogers without feeling like I had bricks on my chest.

They took me off that. I felt good for a few weeks but when I went back to the cardio I had started having tachy attacks. I was then put on Antenolol which did the same thing Lisinoprol did to me. They pulled me off of that as of March 8th.

Once I got off all meds I still felt like I couldn’t breathe or walk very far. I decided this was me doing this to myself. I’m not big on meds so I turned to some natural stuff. I am now taking valerian root for my nerves and listening to anxiety tapes.

I have had 6 straight days of feeling fairly good. I’m on the upswing. Just need to take things slow and easy and with any luck I’ll be hitting on all cylinders before too long.

Hang in there everyone, there is a light. Just hold your ground with your doctor and talk everything through.

This and loosing my husband are the 2 hardest things I have ever done in my life.

Hugs to everyone going through this process.



Thinking of you Debbie

by heartofwisdom - 2011-03-23 08:03:00


I'm sorry about your husband I can't imagine. Only another widow would fully understand.

I do understand the frustration with meds. They gave me Plazix for two years after unmedicated stents when only 2 months were needed. I have 12 blood transfusions from the bleeding.

Have you read "The Shack" by Paul Young. I have read thousands of books and this one was the most life changing. Check it out.


by drashmore - 2011-03-23 11:03:47

I haven't done anything the doctor hasn't OK'd. I have never just gone off the BP medicine without consulting with him. I am now, per his instructions, on a self monitoring system. If any thing arises, I'm to get back to him. He's the one that said the meds weren't working for me.

All I'm trying to do is control my anxiety and I refuse to be put on med's that whack me out. I would have to go to my GP for that anyway. So the natural stuff works for me. There are instances where you don't have to be dependent on medicine to get you through the day.

I'm not advising anyone to do anything, I was just happy about my results and where I came from but you put a damper on that.

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Your signature looks like an EKG.

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I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.