wireless internet

Hi everyone.  My father connect with Skype for the first time today through wireless internet .  He is 80 years old and has had a pacemaker for the past 8 months.  During our conversation on Skype I constantly hear noise in the background of his voice, does this have anything to do with my father’s pacemaker?  Is the wireless dangerous for him?


Skype Safe

by Tarzan - 2011-01-08 05:01:33

Skype not harm pacemaker. Me and Jane use it all time.

Check volume controls

by ocala - 2011-01-10 03:01:59

I use skype regularly and have found there is often some interference or feedback from the volume being too loud on one end or the other. If you have no problems with any one else you skype with, then this may be worth checking out.

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