ct scan

Hi everyone,

I have a CT scan scheduled for tomorrow. Is it safe? Any precautions, other then letting them know?  I know we can’t have MRI’s, but I thought CT scans are o.k., any experiences?

Thanks, Veronika


it's fine!

by Tracey_E - 2011-01-16 03:01:51

I've had several over the years. Tell them about your pm, but ct is just xray so it's perfectly safe and does not affect the pm at all.

No problem

by berney - 2011-01-16 04:01:32

A CT scan will give you no problem. I agree with "it's fine" and you should tell any doctor, dentisty, etc that you have a pacemaker.

you'll be fine

by kiwigirl - 2011-01-16 07:01:48

I have regular ct scans (every two years) and I have never had a problem. just tell them that you have a PM (it should already be in your file)
good luck


by pacergirl - 2011-01-17 03:01:39

I was just thinking about you and hoping that all is well with your CT scan.

Please let us know how you are doing.

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