what are you?????

Hi don,
thanks for your post. Before I got the PM my HR was 68-72. I phoned the doc today and no answer. I asked to come down and have it set to 70 but silence today. If I don't hear from him tomorrow, I will phone again and again. Just one more question: My BP shot up into the 170/99+ after he turned "up the heat" to 80. He wants me to be a BetaBlocker, but I wonder if my BP would come down naturally if my HR would be lowered. I really try to be upbeat but sometimes it is difficult. even my resting HR is now around in the 90's.
thanks don


What are you

by donr - 2011-01-24 11:01:33

Veronika: You have now answered the question you should have been asking. 70 is about as good an HR as you can get for starters.

Remember - I am not a doctor; I do not even play one on TV. I'm just an old guy who has been there, done that.

Dunno the answer to your BP question or why your resting HR is what it is. The stress of being under such a feeling all the time could surely affect the BP. Except for the fact that 170/99 is a serious number, I'd say wait till he turns you down & see if you feel better. before messing w/ betablocker. It definitely will not hurt you to get away from that hideous "Propelled" feeling.

Consider how you would feel & what would happen to your BP if you were hunkered down in your bedroom at 3 AM, thinking there were a burglar in your house. W/ a pulse driven at a rate higher than you have been used to your entire life, you have the genesis of that feeling. Know that, done that, have that tee shirt.

Good luck.


You know you're wired when...

The mortgage on your device is more than your house.

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So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.