Interrogations causing a-fib?

I got a Medtronic pacemaker put in a month ago for sick sinus syndrome. Still suffer with a-fib, but Multaq (after first two weeks) brought it down to 2.5%. Question: after interrogation yesterday (and how they mess around with your heart rate, I am guessing) I have been in a-fib probably 50% or so. I seem to be sensitive to being paced and having them speed me up and slow me down, and it may be anxiety/adenaline after the fact? (Another time I went into a-fib for 14 hours post-interrogation, although two other times it seemed okay.) Although, since my a-fib does not seem to be consistent with precipitating events, it could be anything? All comments appreciated.



by Roys - 2011-01-14 07:01:35

I had lone AF for 10 years, with up to 4 episodes a week lasting up to 20 hours. In June 09 I had a PVI Ablation which reduced the episodes to about 1 each month. I then had a PM inserted in July 2010 and now am free of AF. I had 6 adjustments to my PM befor this was achived, and it was the last one that did it, and this was adjusted by my Electrophysiologist and not the Medtronic Tech.
The 2 things that trigged AF for me were Caffeine and Alcohol. The 3 Natural remedies that helped me were Magnesium, Potassium And Fish Oil. Do not give up Most AF can be cured.
Take care

is it harmful

by veronika - 2011-01-14 08:01:54

I just wrote in my journal: today was not a good day." felt my heart so much today, it scared me. I am so symptomatic and I am always "waitig" for it to happen. it skips and slows and I am a bit apprehensive to have my next interrogation next week. when they lower the HR I get a "fainty" feeling. I am also told that I am sensitive to feeling my heart. I wonder how much stress and jumping and skipping the heart can take before something happens. I am glad to know I am not alone in this situation. I really thought all would be well after PM and ablation. Well, lets keep our head up and take it day by day. take care, pgarza.


by mike thurston - 2011-01-14 11:01:14

I am in permanent a-fib, 100% pm dependent and ablated. Back in the time when I could feel it and it was intermittent it drove me nuts. I tried to connect it to everything, food, rest, drinks whatever. At one point I think I believed it happened when I wore a certain color of socks :) I think it just happens when it happens and is certainly difficult if not impossible to say what triggers it. Best of luck I know it sucks if you are hyper aware of it like i am. Glad to be ablated in a sick sort of way. Thank God for lithium batteries.

junctional rhythm

by bgarza - 2011-01-14 12:01:08

Ooops! I meant junctional rhythm! My friend calls it jugular...bad habits.

Is it harmful?

by bgarza - 2011-01-14 12:01:34

I was about to post a question about a-fib and here it was someone else having the same issue! At my last PM check a few dates came up that I went into a-fib. I knew that I had felt something but attributed to the busy holiday season and travel. I can feel my heart and it scares me. My cardiologist and the Medtronic Tech discussed settings and left me where I was originally as there was nothing they could do. Needless, to say, I'm on the verge of an anxiety attack each time I feel it. My cardiologist has ordered a heart monitor and I'll be wearing it for the next month. I wore one shortly after I got my PM April 2009. Lots of issues, basically told I was just sensitive to feeling my heart. To add to my issues, I occassionally jump to jugular rhythm. Is my heart stressing out and being damaged?

Cronic A-Fib

by pdamron - 2012-02-20 02:02:40

I guess any information may be helpful.... I have been in chronic A-fib for several years; they have tried to control it using several Rate drugs. Name i have taken it, One caused my heart rate to drop and crash, and I awoke with a 2 lead Pm set to 80. How ever my rate was always a-fib and up in the high 90 to 140. As of Jan 29th 2012 I am now still on a 2 wire Pm but fully pace maker dependant. No meds only 5 mg of warfarin blood thinner.
My heart monitor can not pick up the A-fib I was worried at first! Still am to a degree. But get this I’m riding a Bicycle ever day taken it easy, my memory is getting better, my legs and feet still hurts from all the years of poor blood flow, but I think it’s all starting to get closer to normal, I can not complain. I only wish I had done this early on.
I have had 6 to 8 Cardio conversions. In and out of the Hospital.
One heart cath with a ablation to burn the area that they thought was causing the a-Fib, Every c kind of drug out there, I could not walk 50 ft with out being short of breath or weak, I really could never say I was out of breath, I was more weak. But now on the Pm 100% had my AV node ablated and I’m doing great, May be calling to soon but Life Is Good.Hope this is of some use to some one. I know hours of reading all the post sure has helped me.

Pete Damron

You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

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