
dr. changed from bipolar to unipolar (broken lead on dual chamber unit) don't know which they are pacing (upper or lower). However, I am experiencing some pretty tough soreness in the upper chest area (close to and around generator site). Anyone had this experience?



by donr - 2011-12-22 02:12:55

& it's annoying!

What happens is that the outer conductor on the lead is bad, so they change it so that the return path to the PM is via body fluids, rather than the outer conductor.

What you are probably feeling is the current pulse jumping from the body fluids surrounding the PM case to the PM case itself.

There's a name for it, but I cannot recall what it is.

The only solution is a new lead.

Merry Christmas.


I also

by Creaky - 2011-12-23 10:12:27

had a failed lead that they tried that with. The pulsing around the junction was annoying. Ultimately it didn't solve the problem and I needed a new lead.

broken lead wire

by manaman - 2011-12-27 05:12:38

question for CREAKY who replied on 12/23/11.
How long was it before lead was replaced and did they go into same artery?
cecil (manaman)

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Your signature looks like an EKG.

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