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Hello everone - I am so pleased that I have found this webiste as it's so comforting to read about others worries and experiences with their ICD. I had mine fitted in April 2010 because of a tachycardia. I am very petite and the device is very noticeable - even the wire up from it. I am thankful it could save my life. If I lie on my device or even wear a heavy and close fitting top, I can really feel it. The worst bit about the ICD was the have it inserted, as beforehand I didn't actually feel unwell.. I have alway had low blood prerssure - it is now 110/70. I would like to know if any females woith an ICD have had a mammogram and how it went? My doctore says it will be okay but my ICD seems to come half way down my breast and I am afraid they will squash it doing the Xray.I don't actually personally know anyone that has an ICD.



by agelbert - 2011-01-16 11:01:34

I'm a male and I have a PM, not and ICD but I'm sure Pacergirl could tell you a funny and informative story about a mammogram and an implanted device.

Pacergirl, are you there?


by TMK - 2011-01-18 04:01:48

Hi. I am 41 (female) and had to have an ICD implanted in April of 2006. I have mine for ventricular tachycardia. I too have always had "normal" blood pressure but since I am taking meds for the condition now my blood pressure stays around 95/65. I have had 4 mammograms since receiving the device and have had no problems. I let the technician know that I have one and they are very careful not to "squash" me so much on my left side where the device is. Of course mammograms are never comfortable but don't worry about it because they will be careful with you.
Take care

Thanks for replying

by pippt36 - 2011-01-19 05:01:09

Thanks for replying - I will make the clinic technician aware and hopefully all will be okay. My ICD starts about an inch or so under the scar but it goes down into my breast and I am worried that they damage it. All if have to do is lie on it in a certain way and I know it's there! It is hard to believe that it won't be squashed! I will let you know it goes - my appointment is 10th Feb.


by sleepygirl - 2011-01-19 07:01:09

I am so glad to know I am not the only petite girl out here with a pm popping thru my skin!!! If I lose any more weight you will be able to read the make and model number thru my skin!!! LOL. I have had a few mammograms with no problems its amazing how well they can work around your device. Good luck with your test.

Hi Sleepygirl

by pippt36 - 2011-01-19 12:01:24

How reassuring it is to know that your ICD is obvious too. Does your ICD feel heavy when you move around?
I feel like mine is hanging there - it sort of pulls - sure it's cos I have no fat/muscle! Sometimes don't you wish that you could put on weight!

Hi skinny pacemates!

by amyoswag - 2011-01-26 07:01:07

I'm only thin on top, and my ICD bugs out like an alien.
It does feel heavy some times, even though it's the size of a small Altoids tin. (My kids see the wires and get grossed out!) It's weird when I lay on my side, or move my arm just right, I can feel it move.

Your mammo will be fine. My experience wasn't so great, but I got a rookie tech having a bad day. She is not the norm. I think hairdressers and people who work in health care should take a few days off after a bad breakup. It's just kind to the rest of us!

Welcome to the electric club! Good Luck!

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