Recent surgery

Hi guys,

A couple days ago, Tuesday, I had my pacemaker removed and had a pacemaker/defib put in. I came home yesterday, an overnight stay. Since I've had breathing problems when laying on my back, they shoved a tube down my throat to assist breathing during surgery. I also ache all over like I've exercised too much. My neck muscles are sore, my sides are sore, my legs ache. I was told before surgery that they would have to test the defib out by shocking me. I'm assuming that they DID do this. Could the test of the defib be the reason I'm aching all over? Or was it the surgery being traumatic? I've felt like doo doo today. Nauseous, dizzy....this may be due to the anesthesia, maybe???




recent surgery

by 39anddisabled - 2011-04-07 05:04:14

they tested your defifib when you was in the hospital you need to talk to your doctor they put a difibulator into me i didnt feel like that sounds like to meb theres more going on i would consult with your doctor just advice

Im with Patch

by walkerd - 2011-04-08 06:04:36

Rick. Surgery is hard on the body like patch said above. If it would put your mind at ease call your Cardio doctor that put it in and tell them of your symptoms and concerns and ask what is going on, dont be afraid to call them you pay them for thier services use them to put your mind at ease. The anesthisia can make you feel ill afterwords but I wouldnt think for too long, but Im no Doctor so Im not really sure. I guess after my pm/defib insertion I could have been labeled a scardey cat I called a few times, but I had had emergency bypass a month before to. Good luck Rick, keep us updated, and dont be afraid to ask on here any questions you have alot of knowledable people on here.


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