rock climbing

I was wondering if it is safe to begin rock climbing. I am 35 year old male with pacer for bradycardia. I do not have a defib.I have had the device for a year and a half. I have no other heart conditions. I currently hike, mountain bike, jog, and lift weights. A friend is trying to get me into climbing and I would like to try it out. My concern is with the leads and if it can cause damage. My next check up is not for 4 months. Any info would be great! My only limitations at this point post surgery is basically my anxiety. I tend to let my mind get the best of me sometimes but that seems to be getting better. Thanks in advance for any responses!



by Rolf - 2011-01-20 12:01:19

I have been climbing for 40 years and had my defib put in 3 1/2 years ago. I waited 6 months for the leads to heal before I went back outdoors and to the climbing gym.

The only difference, now I wear a helmut when leading and belay my partner with a Gri Gri (which is an automatic locking device) so i don't drop my partner if i do get zapped.

I did notice that when I wear a heavy pack it presses on the device and sometimes cause me to be light headed? Not sure if that is from exertion or the strap pressing the ICD?
Now I keep the left shoulder strap on the head of my humerus and upper bicep instead of over my pec.

I can still do one arm dead hangs on overhanging routes and climb hard all day with no complications.

Have fun

rock climbing

by climber - 2011-04-05 06:04:49

I had my PM fitted only 5 months ago for AV Block. I've not been back to rock climbing yet, but have been to a climbing wall, all was ok. Possibly you should start at a climbing wall to see how things go and if you like climbing, also it's a safe place to start, trained staff, close to a phone etc. From your activities already, climbing should be ok for you. The only problem I could see is that of a fall, damage to PM. I'm still getting back to fitteness, it all takes time. Good luck!

Want to know if you are back to climbing.?

by Saschroeder - 2016-09-28 14:51:57

Hi, my husband and I are avid rock climbers too, and he is getting an ICD/pacemaker today. BLUESFORTHESOUL, I wanted to see if you got back to rock climbing? My husband enjoys both sport climbing (up to 5.12) and mountaineering. If you were able to return to climbing, it would give him, and I, hope for the future. His diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a horrible shock to both of us.

Stronger than ever

by bluesforthesoul - 2016-10-03 10:16:43

Saschroeder- I have gotten back to climbing. I am actually climbing at my highest level ever this year at the age of 40. I train 2 or 3 times a week and feel better than ever. I have no restrictions as far as climbing due to the PM. I was very nervous when I first received the device but do all the things I used to without limitations.

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The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

Member Quotes

I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.