Symptomatic 5 months after pacemaker implant

I just joined. I was happy to find this site.

Early in 2010 I had a few unexplainable “blackouts”. I was also feeling light headed and came close to passing out quite often. After going through full testing with a neurologist and getting an all clear my primary care doc decide it had to be coronary. So I had an EP study done on September 1st 2010. They found I had an “alternate pathway” and “echo beats” in the atrial areas which where ablated. They did additional ablation for SVT. They found I was at high risk for “flat lining” (third degree heart block) and decided to implant a St Jude Medical dual chamber pacemaker. After the pacemaker was implanted I felt really good for a while. After a week I started feeling a little strange. I had developed an epicardial hematoma. They think it was caused by the lead attached to the ventricle. After that cleared up I felt OK again though not as good as when I first left the hospital. I have not had any “blackouts” since I got the pacemaker. I am finding that I’m again beginning to feel weak sometimes. Sometimes when I get up from sitting down I feel like I may pass out. I know that sounds like BP but my BP is good. The pacemaker is set to keep my heart rate from dropping below 60 and after two downloads there hasn’t been anything that showed up as a problem. I get out and do about an hour of hiking or snowshoeing every week (I live in Alaska). I’m not taking a lot of drugs. Imdur and Lopressor for my heart (I also have a stent in my right coronary artery) and Trilipix and Pravastatin for triglycerides and cholesterol.

Has anyone else noticed any symptoms like this 5 or 6 months after getting a pacemaker? I think the world of my cardiologists but I sometimes have the feeling that I’m not being told everything.


Welocme to the Site

by janetinak - 2011-01-31 04:01:44

I wish I had some info for you but I am at a loss to offer any help. I live in Anchorage & probably use the same group you do.& so far am very pleased with them. History with them since 2000. Altho I found that my cardio & EP are great but when I had to see one of the others they were not as helpful. Can you get a 2nd opinion even within the practice., I went to Univ. of CA, San Francisco for a 2nd & prior to PM & my cardio gave me some other experts in the San Fran area to consult if I felt I wanted to. Send me private message if you want to talk morre.

Good luck,



by ElectricFrank - 2011-02-01 01:02:19

Welcome. This is the place to discover how many pacers there are in the world!!

You say you are not taking a lot of drugs, but are actually taking 4 very powerful ones.

Imdur for angina

Lopressor, a powerful blood pressure med.

Trilipix and Pravastatin both of which can cause muscle weakness and liver problems. I have a friend who developed these problems from taking statins and can barely lift his hands to the computer keyboard. The side effects came on in a 2 week period after having taken the drugs for an extended time.


Thanks for the feedback Frank

by mdelfino - 2011-02-01 01:02:40

I guess I should have stated this better.

My "weakness" isn't just muscle weakness. What it feels like when it comes on is: Unless I fight to maintain control I feel like I'll just collapse in a heap on the floor. Thankfully this only lasts about 5 to 15 seconds and then passes as quickly as it comes on. It's a little unsettling while it’s happening because I never know if it will pass or if I’ll drop.

I’ve heard before that drugs can begin to cause side effects even after taking them for extended periods. I believe that but my primary care doc seems to go the other way. I would be easy to say “well I’d better just find another doctor” but the one I have is quite good overall and he has agreed to care for me when I am forced into Medicare. I’m 64 years old know and don’t want to consider making any changes in my health care providers unless there is a profoundly compelling reason.

Thanks for clearing up what is happening

by ElectricFrank - 2011-02-02 12:02:47

From your description of the symptoms, something is happening that should be identified, Has there been any suggestion that you wear a monitor for a day or so. Often with intermittent problems that is the only way to find out.

I'm 80 and my experience with Medicare is just the opposite. I no longer am fighting with an insurance company over things I need. Back in the late 1980's when I needed back surgery, the insurance company did every thing they could to deny approval. I was layed up off work for nearly 6 weeks until I finally had the surgery, and was back full time at work in 10 days.

Now the difference with Medicare in 2004 when I developed AV block. I had the pacemaker in just a couple of days.

good luck with it,


Thanks everyone. Doing better.

by Willsr61 - 2016-01-25 08:01:33

Just saw my cardiologist. Every thing looks good
BP is down. HR is down. Ejection fraction was 69%. So no meds right are needed at this time. The PM was put in on January 7. I was wondering how long it takes to get your strength back. Last November I spent 3 weeks hiking around Japan. When I came home is when the junctional accelerated rhythm started. Now it's difficult to go half a mile although I have improved just a little. Just hope I can get back to hiking by next November!

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