Thallium stress test and pacemaker adjust ...

I've got to get a stress thallium test tomorrow to look into a relatively low EF reading (53) and don't know if this is routine or what to expect from a three-hour procedure and radioactive substance in my veins. Does everyone with a pacemaker for a stage 2 AV block get one of these, or am I yet more special?
Also, I went running on a treadmill a little too hard and likely exceeded my pacer's 140 top limit. It was for about 20 minutes and left me really beat in the evening and super fatigued next morning. I could swear I was a bit arhythmic when I went to bed after the exercise. It didn't feel good. Should I have the pacer bumped up to 160 or something? I'm scared to run. I'm 42 and all of this is a bummer ...


Thallium Stress Test

by SMITTY - 2011-04-07 10:04:01


I will try to comment on what you tell us. For starters let's take the EF of 53%. I know each Dr has their idea of what is normal, low or high, but the most frequent numbers I hear are the normal range for an EF is from 40% to 60%. Now I did hear one say the normal range was 50% to 70%. So to me, it seems it is a case of what the Dr thinks is normal for the patient.

As for your thallium stress test I can't count the number of those I've had and my worst experience was from a headache that some left me with. I am guessing, but I would guess the data obtained from the treadmill test you had was incomplete, or something was missing so they are going with the thallium stress test as there is no physical activity involved.

On the radioactive substance in your veins, the amount of radiation in the thallium is extremely low and has a very short half-life (12 hrs, I think) which means 75% of the radiation will be gone within 24 hrs.

It has now been 2+ years since my last one and I know the procedures can change in that time. But at that time they also injected another medicine (for my test it was dipyridamole) to dilate the arteries to insure good blood flow throughout the heart. The dipyridamole makes me feel weird and I know of no better way to describe it. With the weird feeling came a headache but the really good part is this part of the test takes only 15 to 30 minutes and then I got an antidote for the dipyridamole that returned my feelings to normal with no after effects.

You mentioned it being a 3 hour procedure and that sounds awful but let me give you a run down on how my three hours went. At the beginning, I'm called in and after the vitals are taken and I get the radioactive thallium injected. That feels no different than any other injection and there is absolutely no feeling from the radioactive material in the injection. After a few minutes the vasodilator (as mentioned mine was dipyridamole) is injected and after a few more minutes (for me) the weird feeling started. For several minutes they are monitoring the heart function and after a little more waiting you will get the antidote. All this takes 30 to 45 minutes at most. Then you go lie on the most uncomfortable table they have in the house while they let a geiger counter trace the route the radiated blood has taken. The results are sent to a computer. This usually takes from 30 to 45 minutes.

After that you go to the waiting room and wait for an hour or so and then you get to go back to that wonderful bed for another picture taking event by the geiger counter. This takes about the same amount of time as the first one.

If your's is like mine have been the procedure may take three hours from start to finish but you are not physically active for the full three hours.

Good luck,


I am 100% paced as had an AV

by janetinak - 2011-04-07 10:04:27

node ablation & I had this kind of test 3 yrs ago. I believe if you go to the "search" button on top right of this page & put the test in you will pull up previous comments. Hope will help as you don't have much time as tomorrow is the day for test. Anyhow when I had the AV node ablation I understand that I am in complete heart block, if I understand the whole thing. You are closely monitored (lots of folks in the room with you) & altho feel strange during test it did get me a lot of info on function of my heart & PM. Hope this helps,


Good description, Smitty

by janetinak - 2011-04-07 11:04:02

for some reason (breast tissue I was told) my test & most women have the test over 2 days in a row. Injection & laying still on the most uncomfortable in the place is done 1st day after injection & then back the next day for some more time on the table being scanned. I think in some ways that made it easier 'cause broke the time up. I do think it was about 3 hrs total.

Let us know how it goes,


stress test

by 39anddisabled - 2011-04-07 11:04:29

your ef is twice mine and dont over do it 140 is 2 high dont go to 160 unless you want another heart attack i wished my ef was 53 i have problems lugging a laundry basket going shopping cant walk get winded just advice

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I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.