
Hi Everyone

Well i have not posted in along time so just thought i would just say hello,i recieved my pacemaker in 12/05 and other than a infection in 2005 it has been great ticking right along but i must say that this club was wonderful during my 1st year ,after that i did not post much but always read the posts until my wife became very ill in 2006 she rcently passed away due to her illness and i miss her so much ,i got a email a couple of days ago from the pacerclub about the 2008 newsletter and came back to check it out and read the posts you all are still wonderful and i really enjoy reading the posts and comments,
so just wanted to say thanks and keep up the wonderful work,


Loss is never easy

by pacergirl - 2008-11-12 09:11:29

Hi Valerie,
I am so sorry to learn you have lost your wife.... You looked so happy in your picture on the member gallery.

I have just arrived home from a funeral myself tonight. My wonderful dear Uncle Luther has passed. His heart was just too frail to continue. I will miss him very much.
It is so sad when we loose the people we love.

I am so happy that you have returned to the PClub. Please keep in touch!

Glad you stopped in the room

by PeggyR - 2008-11-12 09:11:33

So sorry to hear of your loss, it must be very difficult. Hopefully you have family and friends to help fill the void slightly, although I know that is near impossible. So glad your PM is ticking right along. I'm a newbie, PM 9/5/08 and have thoroughly enjoyed the folks in this club. I still get out of breath at times, but nothing compared to the way it was before PM. So all is well. Remember "Always Blessings, Never Losses" in our lifes. Thank goodness you were blessed to have your wife in your life!!!!!! Take care,



by bambi - 2008-11-13 12:11:43

I am sorry you lost your wife! Of course you miss her! Please take special care of yourself and lean on others for support!

You know you're wired when...

The mortgage on your device is more than your house.

Member Quotes

A pacemaker suddenly quitting is no more likely to happen than you are to be struck by lightening.