New PM

Hi everybody!,
I had my 1st PM implanted March 9,2011...A little less than a week ago. I had my surgery in the am, and later in the night, I started having chest pains, and noticed it hurt to take a deep breath. The only way I could get any comfort was to sit up, as it was worse if I was laying on my back. They did several tests to rule out perforations, of the lung, heart, or heart attack, and kept me in for an extra day. The Dr. came in the next day, and said I may need to have my leads repositioned, but he was gonna let me go home for a few days, I guess to give me a reprieve from the hospital, and to make sure I wasn't just having post op distress that everyone has. Sat. I woke up feeling like the King of the World so to speak, and felt much better, then yesterday, I started feeling puny again. Hurting to take a deep breath, when laying on my back, and I am also constipated(Have been for a week)......I am a 39yr. old female that is relatively healthy otherwise, and had to have my PM due to 2nd degree AVblock........I see that some people have had some of this stuff, and I know it's really early for me, but are these all normal things that other PM recipients have had??? Thanks-Leigh Ann


Nope I agree

by Cheryl B - 2011-03-14 09:03:42

I agree with Cabg Patch. You should be sore, but not with breathing. If you've been on any antibiotics, that will get you constipated also. I try to eat an apple a day or have oatmeal or fiber cereal a couple times a week. that really helps me. I am on a lot of meds. because of my heart issues, but I got my ICD this past November 2010. I am walking a mile and a half a day and trying to do a little more every day. Make sure your doctor listens to you. You're important so make sure he or she knows that.
Good luck, cheryl b.


by ElectricFrank - 2011-03-15 02:03:23

It depends on where it hurts when you breath. I've mentioned it here before that during my first implant I chose to remain totally awake. If I had been out I would never have known that someone in the OR decided to use my chest for an elbow rest during the surgery. If I hadn't complained I'm sure I would have had a very painful chest especially when taking a deep breath.

So I suggest feeling around the area where it hurts on breathing and see if you can find a tender area. If so about all you can do is give it time to heal.

Of course it could be a lead position or such, but you don't want the doc doing a bunch more slicing and dicing if it isn't necessary.

By the way the 2nd degree block is pretty benign. Once you get the pain issue settled you should feel great. Blocks are one of the easiest conditions to treat with a pacemaker. I have had one for 6 yrs for 3rd deg AV block and despite being 80 yrs I hike, Jeep, and rarely act my age!

best wishes,



by qwerty - 2011-03-15 05:03:48

Welcome to the club. Keep us posted and let us know how you progress.



by csc3 - 2011-03-17 08:03:58

Hi Leigh Ann,

My dad had his PM put in 2 days ago and has been having the same symptoms that you are describing. He also underwent tests to ensure that it wasn't a heart attack or stroke. Both came back negative and he has been discharged from the hospital; but he is still in a significant amount of pain. I'm just wondering if your doctors came to a conclusion or if your symptoms have since subsided.



by lahowell - 2011-03-17 09:03:44

I haven't felt much better, and in addition to my issues, my hubby's ICD went off 5x's Tues, and paced out of a 6th, so been in the hospital w/him. I had my follow-up today, and told them what was going on, and the nurse said I need to go to the ER if I keep feeling this way. It feels like everytime I have a heartbeat there is pain, it get's worse to the point of tears if I stand up, and am also having really bad headaches. As of right now I want this device out of me because I DO NOT feel better. If I go to ER I will let you guys know the turn out.


by Pookie - 2011-03-19 01:03:18

I hope you went to the could be (and I'm only making a wild guess here) Pericarditis.

At least get a chest Xray.

Please keep us posted when you can. good luck.


new pacemaker

by jwhalen - 2011-03-21 09:03:39

I am new to this site. I am 57 years old female and got my Pacemaker a week ago. Had been having near passing out episodes for 2 years and Doctors could not find a reason. In January I had a bad one and actually passed out...split my head open on wood floor and gave myself a nasty concussion. Was off work for 4 weeks and had terrible dizziness from Concussion and still have some dizziness ..2 months later.
I was wearing an event Monitor and was into the third week of wearing it...had 1 week left to wear it and of course did not have a single episode . But on the last week had a nearly passing out episode and the monitor showed that my heart did not beat for 6 seconds and had heart block. I had a pace maker put in immediately the next morning. Thank goodness I had the monitor on at the time because nothing else picked up my problem.
Now I just need to get used to having pacemaker.

You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

The pacer systems are really very reliable. The main problem is the incompetent programming of them. If yours is working well for you, get on with life and enjoy it. You probably are more at risk of problems with a valve job than the pacer.