back/shoulder blade kink

I had my pacemaker implanted 8 days ago. I am trying to balance between moving my left arm enough to not get frozen shoulder, but not too much to allow healing. I'm developing a painful kink in my back on the PM side right below my shoulder blade close to my spine. Has anyone else experienced this during recovery? On a scale of 1-10, it's about an 8. Everything else seems to be healing well, but this pain is starting to worry me.



by Tracey_E - 2011-03-01 09:03:21

they may have maneuvered you during the surgery and pinched something. If it's a pinched nerve or pulled muscle, alternating heat and ice should help. Muscle relaxers like ibuprofen would also,if you can take that. And yes, I've had something similar. When in doubt, check with your dr. I'm just saying what worked for me, I am not a medical professional!

another thought

by Tracey_E - 2011-03-01 10:03:48

are you short of breath or dizzy? that could be something other than a kink.

Like what?

by michelefromthemitten - 2011-03-01 10:03:55

I'm not short of breath or dizzy...what were you thinking?

shoulder pain

by kaym - 2011-03-02 01:03:50

I had Pm 3 weeks ago. I had intense pain in shoulder area for several days. I still have some pain in arm and top of shoulder. Saw Dr yesterday and he suggested giving it more time. Thought it was referred pain. It seems that being up makes a pull on incision area and then the pain. Hopefully, it will soon be better. Hope you feel better soon!

i'm thinking you don't have it :)

by Tracey_E - 2011-03-02 07:03:08

Sometimes - RARELY- when they put the lead in it will puncture the heart and fluid will build up. If you don't have any other symptoms, you probably have just what you think it is- a kink. If you had a puncture, you would most definitely have other symptoms so don't go getting all paranoid :)

Feeling better

by michelefromthemitten - 2011-03-03 02:03:47

Tracey E, I did get a little paranoid, but thankfully, the pain is mostly gone. Kaym, I think you're right about the incision. My PM was implanted under breast tissue, so it could have been referred pain. I went in for an interrogation yesterday and everything seems to be working well!

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