
I had my medtronic dual chamber pacemaker put in 2 weeks ago and the soreness has gone away but the area directly over the pacemaker is now numb to the touch and I am wondering if I need to be concerned about that or if it is normal for the skin and tissue to numb?


Numb? Could be worse!

by donr - 2011-02-25 11:02:41

Not to worry. Scars can sometimes be numb for a long time. Not unusual. I had a left knee repaired in 1956. The scar was numb for over 50 yrs. Finally got feeling back in it - was surprised.

I had a new PM placed last Aug. Just rubbed my hand over it. Oooooooooh, that felt good. Absolutely normal. Hadn't thought about it till you mentioned it. This was the THIRD time they went through that scar location. Original planting; replacing a broken lead, replacing PM because battery croaked.

Now we are all different. Some folks generate kelloids (sp?) - horrible, messy, enlarged scars that can really hurt. Don't know what your case is.


Nerve damage

by Hot Heart - 2011-02-27 10:02:10

Your nerves will probably knit back together in time, but if they dont it doesnt really matter. As long as there is no redness or infection i dont think its anything to worry about. If the numb area gets bigger then perhaps you should go ask the doctor.

Good luck


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