Extraction surgery complete!

Hi, I want to thank everyone for all the advice and encouragement I received from you. I had all 5 leads removed on march 8th and now have a whole new system in place. We had hoped only the newest leads (2 from 2000 and 1 from 2007) would need to be removed but complications required the originals from 1985 be removed as well. Even though there were complications everything turned out good. They went thru both sides of my chest and eventually had to remove them from the groin so needless to say I will be hobbling around awhile, My biggest fear was they would have to crack me open. That didnt happen. Thank you god! I went today for my first check and to have the staples removed. The pacemaker is doing perfect. They gave me one with an audible alert. Should anything happen I will hear a series of beeps. How cool is that!!!
It will go into my collection the next time I get a new generator. So far I have 3 of 5. Kaiser was the only hospital that didnt allow me to keep them. Thank you again for your support, This site was a treasure to find.


Excellent News

by Pookie - 2011-03-22 09:03:51


I'm so glad to hear that everything went SO well for you. You must be extremely happy and relieved.

Makes me think...if I ever have to have my leads removed, I'll have to get your doctor's name from you:)

Take it easy and again, it's nice to hear some good news.

Take care,

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My muscles are very sore but each day it gets better and my range of movement is improving.