PVCs worse

I've had my PM for about a year. At first all was well, then the PVCs started and they continued to get worse. Tried BB but developed very low BP and what my doctor felt was a breathing problem so he stopped them. They did help. He has not offered anything else and PVCs now start whenever I try to exercise, no matter how mild. In short it's impossible to do the exercise I could do before and months after receiving my PM. They usually start right after breakfast, but they are really worse right after dinner in the evening. Would welcome any imput. Thanks.



by Gellia3 - 2011-04-11 01:04:41

I've had the same problem. ElectricFrank helped me solve it!

I have third degree block. With the rate response in the "on" position, I would reach my upper limit rate (120) very quickly. Then my own heart would compete for "top dog" position and toss me into 2:1 block and it felt awful. I would be SOB, have arrhythmias and chest pain.

Having the RR turned off and the upper HR limit upped to 130 helped me TREMENDOUSLY. I still thank Frank for helping make me feel better than I have in 25 years!!

It may help to see if you need the RR. Some of us feel better with it on and some of us feel better with it off.

If Frank is lurking around, he can give a much better explanation.

Hope this helps!
Best to you,

Hi Gellia3

by awlright10 - 2011-04-11 02:04:22

On my printout there are two sections related to Rate Response: under Rate Response it says Optimization On and then under Intrinsic/AV Rate Adative AV off. So I'm not sure which is which. Thanks so much for info and I hope Frank can clear it up for me. It would make a world of difference.

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