strange dreams

I have had my 2 lead pacemaker for 3 weeks now and been having strange unpleasant dreams ever since, anyone else had this experience. I am not on any new medication, so it cant be that. With thanks for this club that I have just discovered.


Hi there,

by GillyC - 2011-03-26 10:03:30

I also had unpleasant dreams after my pm but four months on I'm pretty much back to normal dreaming - I put my extra vivid and unpleasant dreams down to feeling a little mortal, having my heart controlled by something other than me ( I personally think it quite an ordeal emotionally) anyhow once I'd assimilated everything and got more used to my situation my dreaming is the same as it ever was - hope yours gets better too

Missing my dreams

by KIRWEN1004 - 2011-03-26 10:03:31

I actually just said to someone in my family how I haven't had a dream since my surgery one month ago.

I miss dreaming.

I hope your unpleasant dreams stop soon.



by ElectricFrank - 2011-03-27 01:03:30

Changes in dreams can be a result of having anesthesia. The amnesia types lie Versaid are supposed to make you forget any of the unpleasant feelings during the surgery. While they seem to do that, the brain can still have unconscious memories that surface during sleep.

There really isn't anything about the pacemaker itself that is likely cause them.

just a thought,


The scariest of all

by ElectricFrank - 2011-03-29 02:03:21

One of these nights you will have a Near Life Experience". Those can be terrifying. Just think what it would be like to come close to really being alive and stuck with it.



by MAGGIEC - 2011-03-29 06:03:47

hi have my pm with almost 4 years. Have the weirdest dreams ever since my partner reckons if i write them down ill make a fortune or end up bein locked away

Dreams or Hallucinations?

by debik52 - 2011-05-03 09:05:53

I got my pacemaker on 4/1/11. I went into full cardiac arrest two days before that. I'm only on one new med called Metopropol. I do not take any narcotics or sleepers. The last few mornings when I wake up,some things are bright green for about 30 seconds. This includes my sheets, door and window frames and my cats. My black and whitre cat only turns green on the white spots. It is real at the time, but later in the day I think that it's impossible. Then it happens again the next morning. I'm getting scared to fall asleep. Has anyone else had something like this with a pacemaker, the med or a near death experience? I have no history of mental illness.

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