burning pain

I am a 25 y/o female with Long QT Syndrome. I had an ICD implanted almost two weeks ago.  At first I had a lot of pain due to some difficulty the doctor had getting the device in.

Now, any time I move, I have this burning like pain about an inch below my incision.  It feels like someone is slicing me with a hot knife.

I have also had skipping heart beats since the surgery, is this normal? Thank you



by 39anddisabled - 2011-04-06 05:04:08

in your in pain this is not normal i feel a little itching myself me personally you shouldnt feel the fluttering of the heart beat talk to your cardioligst or find another one my icd doesnt feel that way im 39 had one implanted almost 3 weeks ago i hope that helped

burning pain

by roy haycock - 2011-04-30 12:04:55

I suggest you go to see your doctor or surgeon as soon as possible, because only they are qualified to decide what the problem is and the means to remedy it.
Pain after a procedure is normal in most circumstances, but yours may be different and have a genuine cause ,so please get qualified advice.

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