Subpectoral or Subdurmal

Okay so my EP called and wants to move my device from being under the skin to under the muscle. I need some insight to the pros and cons to having it moved. Other than the normal surgery risk.


let's see...

by turboz24 - 2012-03-08 11:03:46


Can't see it
Can't feel it
Don't have to worry about getting hit (better protected)
harder to implant
little more risky
little harder to replace


Easier to implant
Easier to replace
a little less risky
see it
feel it
Getting smacked there is reallllly painful.....

Under skin

by Peg541 - 2012-03-09 01:03:46

I asked this same question and decided under muscle but when I woke up the EP had put it under my skin saying I had plenty of room to do so. There is no bump. It's lovely.
I am 62 so may need a new battery in 10 years if I am lucky and under the skin is easier to change out and again a better recovery when I am 10 years older.

Reasons DR wants it moved

by w3il3r01 - 2012-03-09 10:03:22

I knew for a week now that the Dr wanted to move the leads back to where they were sppose to be since he said that was causing all my pain. I have had my ICD for almost a year now. I still have regular pain around my device. Sometimes it is just a minor twinge other times it is bad. I have sensative nerves in my chest which may be the reason I have so mch pain. I guess since I am only 26 and have two young kids that love to bump the device or head butt me lol. I am just worried about the pain. I had pretty severe pain during the procedure and afterwards because of my overly sensative nerves. I haven't made my mind up yet.

For me

by turboz24 - 2012-03-09 11:03:54

The primary reasons why I'm having mine moved are appearance as well as protection. I really don't like my ICD protruding from my chest 3/8". It's also a perfect target for my dogs, anything I'm working on, weights while I'm working out, as well as it's perfect for getting cought on parts on my project cars.

I to have occassional pain from my ICD, and I've had mine since sep 07', but my doc says it will occassionally cause issues no matter where it's placed.

One more

by ElectricFrank - 2012-03-09 12:03:33

Subpectoral: Slower recovery and more painful.

Moving Pacemaker

by ElectricFrank - 2012-03-10 01:03:11

There is no excuse for a pacemaker moving even under the skin. The pacer has small holes that are intended for suturing it down to the underlying tissue. This is specifically specified in the Medtronic Implant Instructions with a warning that there is a significant chance of movement if it isn't done.

So why do some surgeons choose to ignore the approved instructions and then want to move the pacer to prevent movement. Do you suppose insurance will pay for the change so it is more profitable?


My under the muscle move

by kathykat11 - 2012-03-10 07:03:10

Was less painfulk by far than my original sub dermal placement. Hopefully yours will be too. I was never without awful pain from the day it was imlanted to until the day it was polace under the muscle. I needed all kinds of pain meds the first time and tylenol was all I needed for the second. I love my pacer we are good friends now days. I don't feel great but it is not my pacer causing the discomfort.

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