
I had my second Medtronic ICD implanted in May 2010, the 1st one was running low on battery power after 8 years. There has been some redness around the wound site since the implantation which has dramatically increased recently. I visited my GP who prescribed an antibiotic, and this week I saw my Cardiologist for my 6 monthly check up. He was concerned and told me to take a second course of the antibiotics, monitor my temperature, and see him in a month.

I feel well, don't have a temperature, and continue my daily activities including gym sessions. I feel that this redness is a reaction to the device, rather than an infection (which would be a disaster) so long after the implantation.

Has anyone else had a reaction to a device? I would be interested to hear from you.




by Tracey_E - 2011-04-09 07:04:17

I haven't heard of reacting after so long but anything's possible. I'n no dr but it sounds to me more like erosion. If the redness is getting worse, I'd stay on the dr, not sit back and wait a month! If the cardio isn't sure what to do, check with an infectious disease specialist. They can do cultures to make sure you don't have what's the start of an infection. Because if you do have an infection that's resistant to the antibiotics you're on, you need to get more aggressive asap. Good luck!

Could be infection

by lok - 2011-04-11 05:04:28

Hi, my daughter of 10 who has a pm unfortunately developed an infection after almost 1½ years, there were no symptoms other than a bit of redness on her pm pocket at times, it came and went. They discovered the infection when she underwent pm surgery for a dislodged lead and they said that the infection was a "sleeping" infection, not very aggressive but potentially very dangerous if it would spread via the leads to the heart. I know this may frighten you to read, but better be checked one time too many. Maybe it's something completely different, this is just our story.
Best of luck, Lonni


by aeb0309 - 2011-06-21 01:06:38

I just had my second PM put in about 6 weeks ago. Healing was good and the incision closed. Now I noticed some itching and redness and kind of warm above and now around the incision. I'm getting nervous thinking it is getting infected. Anybody else have this problem after 6 weeks of implantation?

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