New to this

Can I just say I am so glad that I found this site. What a great group of people on here!

I am 43 and I had my new Best Friend installed on 4-4-11.  My issue is feeling real dizzy and nauseated for the past 3 days. My nausea seams to kick in more when I stand up. Has anyone else had this issue? My local pacemaker clinic has a nurse on call and if not better by tomorrow I will call. Thank you all in advance.



Could be vertigo

by ElectricFrank - 2011-04-19 02:04:22

How do you experience your dizziness? There are two common kinds with very different causes.

One is where the room seems to go around in circles and often is worse when you move your head. This is caused by an inner ear issue and isn't related to the pacer. It is called Vertigo.

The other other is when you feel light headed like you are going to pass out. The room may start to go sparkly or fade. This is caused by a lack of blood flow or pressure in the brain and is caused a sudden drop in blood pressure. It is related the circulatory system and may be related to the pacer adjustments.

If it keeps up I would contact the nurse. It will help if you determine which type you have and let her know.

best wishes,


Thank you Frank

by kathykat11 - 2011-04-19 07:04:31

I am 58 years old and finally got a good description of dizzy, I probably would have gotten my pacer 3 years earlier if my doctor would have said what you did about the the room starting to fade or go sparkly. I had those troubles for 5 years and was treated with med and felt crappy the whole time. It is hard to think when you aren't getting enough blood to your brain. where were you in 2005? Heck I didn't even know about a pacer siteback then better late than never. Glad to know I have smart people to refer to now.

Thanks Frank

by jdombro - 2011-04-19 08:04:18

I am with you Kathykat, this site is the best! Thank You Frank!

me too!

by sweetp - 2011-04-20 09:04:03

Hi Julie, I am new to this too and I am 46 years old. I just had mine put in one week ago. I had 3 fainting episodes and that is how they discovered I needed the pacemaker. After my 3rd fainting, I had terrible dizziness. I felt like I had a minor case of flu and I also felt like I had a bit of motion sickness. For the most part, the nausea is gone, but I too sometimes feel 'woozy'. The good thing it is not as bad as it was last week. Before they put the pacemaker in, they were going to give me a tilt table test, checking for vasovagal syncope. I am going to the dr. tomorrow to get my staples out and I am going to ask him about this dizziness. I am hoping to get some answers.

Me also!

by punkie71947 - 2011-04-26 11:04:12

Hi, Julie, I am a 63 yrsl old. I just got my packemaker 20 days ago on April 6th. I too get nauseated, short of breath and lightheaded. I have also developed a very bad sinus infection. Do you think that all of these feelings could be cause by the pacemaker? I was in the ER last night because I went back into Afib (that drives me crazyier than ever). I hoped that the PM would fix me. Seeing my doctor on Thursday. I hope he can do something for me. I so want to get my life back. I felt pretty good for a few days & look forward to more.
You are in my prayers and I hope that your doctors appt. goes well. Thank you Julie for listening.
Bobbie from Louisiana

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