Bone Densitometry

Hello all, just found out today that I need a bone scan. I asked my GP if it was ok to have with my ICD/PM. I was really shocked when she said I dont know if it will affect my device!
Needless to say I was shocked! Anyay this type of procedure is fairly simple, but it does have I think the same qualites as an MRI! Help did anyone have this done with there implant??

Much appreciated, Colleen


Bone Density Scan

by SMITTY - 2007-04-09 09:04:19

Hi Colleen,

My wife recently had a bone density scan and the apparatus used would not interfere with a pacemaker. Hers was done with what I call a high speed cat-scan unit. This is a relatively new device for doing scans and is actually like a very high speed x-ray machine and does not involve the use of an electro magnetic field as does an MRI.

My wife does not have a PM, and while I have not had a test with the new machine, I have had several cat-scans since I got my PM. None has ever bothered me. My only suggestion for you is just be sure all involved know you have a PM.

Good luck,


Had one recently

by auntiesamm - 2007-04-09 11:04:48

Hi Colleen, I had a bone density scan done 3 months ago and there was no interference. I did ask my Rheumatologist about it and she was right on top of it - knew that it was not contraindicated! Wow - did that make me feel good. I would think that unless it is a very different kind of density scanner you should be okay. Hope this helps.


by jessie - 2007-04-10 01:04:13

don't worry those girls know about pacemakers and there shouldn't be a problem just the mrrri room and definetely no mrri now at this time. i think it is routine and even i had one and was okay. my s-i-l no she has osteoporosis. so take care colleen and try not to worry. jessie or maureen


by jessie - 2007-04-10 01:04:13

don't worry those girls know about pacemakers and there shouldn't be a problem just the mrrri room and definetely no mrri now at this time. i think it is routine and even i had one and was okay. my s-i-l no she has osteoporosis. so take care colleen and try not to worry. jessie or maureen

bone scan

by patriciapeter - 2007-04-10 06:04:28

Hi Colleen, you don't have to worry as the other posts have said, I've had bone scans without problems, they are really x-rays that don't interfere with our PM's like an MRI which uses a magnet. Hope this helps.

check twice

by $6Mman - 2007-04-11 08:04:47

Hi Colleen~
I have tried to get this comment to you for days. It keeps going somewhere else!
I don't much about the bone density tests that you are going for and I trust you will be well.
As far as going for different tests and procedures - I call the manufacturer who is supposed to have the latest and greatest information on what's out there that can hurt me. Same for you.
I have an AICD, defibrillator set if I go into a tachy rhythm and a pacemaker set as a precaution although I don't pace and neither has ever gone off. I'm fortunate!
I went for a enteroscopy and colonoscopy last year. The company sent a tech to the hospital to shut me down and turn me back on after the procedure. I had called the company, spoken to the doctor and spoke with the department at the hospital responsible for the procedure, so everyone knew what was up, no surprises and everything went well. I wasn't worried, just prepared and so were they.
My point really is that if you wonder call and let everyone know. Not in alarm, but so they are aware and you feel good.
Hope youwill continue to be well! ~Adam
(now let's see if this works)

Check Twice

by colleenjohnson - 2007-04-16 12:04:02

Hello Adam, thanks for the advice, I had the test done, but not before checking with Medtronic. They said the xray one was ok, but if the tech was using the ultrasound one, that they could not put the transmitter any closer than six inches in any direction. Glad I took your advice, because they used both!, God Bless, Colleen

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