Pacemaker after cardiac arrest

I got my pacemaker on 4/1/11 after being in full cardiac arrest on 3/30/11. I'm so sore from the resuscitation that I don't even feel the pacemaker. The doctor says I'm healing beautifully, especially for a Diabetic. So far so good. I know now that I was short of breath for months before and now I'm not at all. My heart, valves and arteries turned out to be very healthy and it's totally an electrical problem. That's good to know since I'm only 58.


Damn electrical systems...

by COBradyBunch - 2011-04-17 11:04:37

I have a similar problem although while I flatlined they never had to shock me, I always rebooted myself although I did pass out pretty good. Good news is your heart muscle is healthy which means with a pacer you can still live a full and active life. Remember that, but also remember to give yourself some time to understand what happened to you and deal with those feelings as well. Oh yea, and welcome to the club!!!!!!

Just pay you electric bill

by ElectricFrank - 2011-04-18 01:04:14

Certainly the best of the possibilities for cardiac problems.You must be living right to have been near enough to help when you arrested.

Your experience with discovering being SOB for months before is very common. It sneaks up on us and we only become aware of it after getting a pacer.



Electric Bill

by debik52 - 2011-04-18 01:04:51

I'll say I was close to help! I was sitting up on the side of my hospital bed eating dry chicken for dinner and started coughing so hard that I arrested. I guess that's not hard when your heart rate is running in the 30's. There was already staff on the way to check out my coughing. To think I was almost sent home from the ER the night before is frightening. I was almost going to be sent home that day also, except they couldn't get an angiogram scheduled soon enough. The outcome could have been so different. Thanks to all who are responding to me. It's great to know this forum is available.


You know you're wired when...

You trust technology more than your heart.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker is intact and working great.