Need User Manual for St Jude PM 2210

I just had a St Jude Accent PM 2210 inserted this week. I'd like to get a user manual so I can see what all of the options are. I find two page fact sheets using Google but don't find a complete user manual. Anyone know where I can find one on the internet?


by Tracey_E - 2011-04-22 09:04:03

Have you tried their website?


by pacergirl - 2011-04-22 10:04:11

I have the same pacemaker. I went to the St. Jude website and got a lot of info there and then I sent an email to the Co. They sent me all kinds of stuff including a hat, a shirt and a heart key ring! If you're nice like I think you are... who knows what they might send you! :-)

Keep me posted! Gooch, my pacer cousin!

Patient Notifier

by gooch - 2011-04-22 11:04:36


I went on the company websitge and looked at a lot of stuff. Many of the available PDF's keep refering to a "User Manual" but I don't see anything. I already have what the doctor gave me at the hospital. I was looking specifically fopr details about the "Patient Notifier System" and what the warning signals are. When I view the Patient Notifier PDF, it says: "Please review the appropriate literature accompanying the device for acomplete listing of warnings and precautions"..

I don't see any listing of "warnings" with what I wass given so I guess I'll have to ask the doc when I have my first check-up in about two weeks.

Same boat

by fishfighter - 2011-04-23 01:04:21

Of course I have a St Jude CRT-D implanted on the 18 of this month. The user manual doesn't tell you much. Add that they sent me home with a Merlin @ home pack which doesn't tell anything other then setting it up. No good if I can't go somewere and see what is happing to me. I think they could put my info on the net somewere that I could see.


by gooch - 2011-04-23 10:04:14

They gave me a 36 page "Patients Guide to Understanding Cardiac Pulse Generators" but it does not tell me anything about the "Patient Notifier System". I'll call St Jude first of the week and see if they will provide me with the information I'm looking for.


by fishfighter - 2011-04-24 08:04:28

What is this "Patient Notifier System"? I didn't read anything about this.


by gooch - 2011-04-24 11:04:04

It tells you by vibrating the pacemaker or generating an audio tone that there is a problem with the PM, e.g. low battery, fast heart rate, etc. It is covered on page 26 of the above mentioned patient guide.

Patient Notifier

by gooch - 2011-04-25 05:04:59

I talked to the tech people (Drew) at St Jude and he played the tone over the phone so I could hear it. It is basically a two tone sound (High/low) that sounds like Beep/ Boop. He said it played twice and that I should call the doctor to make an appointment to see what the code means. IOW, there is only one sound that the patient will hear. It is an alert to tell the patient to see the doctor.


by Sergio - 2011-08-02 01:08:16

I am a tech person (not a patient).
If you are still interested I can provide you some information or manuals.


Want user manual for PM2110

by sally7430 - 2012-09-16 10:09:48

I just had a St Jude PM2110 inserted a week ago and I received no information at all about the device from the hospital. I would love to have a User Manual, and any information possible about the hardware and the software. i am a former computer programmer and want to understand this device and how it operates. Also the leads, 1688TC/52 and 1688TC/46. Thanks for any info.


by RJM - 2012-10-16 11:10:56

If your Doctor doesn't have a copy of the manual, ask the pacer representative. You shouldn't need to get it off the net unless you have lost it and even then the rep should supply one to the customer.

The issue I had was lack of information given to me in the hospital (my surgery was quite unexpected) on the pacer and even the rep that visited me had no bedside manner , offered no information nor did he ask do I have any questions. He was very unprofessional. I only hope when I go in for my checkup tomorrow a different rep is there.

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