Battery Change

My son is 3 years old and has had a pacemaker since birth. My son has congenitive heart block. He has to get new batteries within 6 months or less. I am not sure what to expect. Will this be hard on him? Am I worring over nothing?

I know when they put his pacemaker in he had a hard time recovering and got infections, was sadated for 3 days. Also, my sons pacer does all of his work for him and this is why he needs to have the batteries replaced in only 3 years time.

This is my first time on here, so forgive me if I rammble on. I am just a worried mom.


Don't Worry

by Pacerguy - 2007-04-03 07:04:34

Here is the standard disclaimer with any surgical procedure. Any surgical procedure poses a risk of infection and there are always potential complications. However, infections and complications are rare and great care is taken (especially in pediatrics) to avoid these issues.

Besides that I wouldn't worry about the battery changeout. The hardest part of a pacemaker implant is placing the leads. Changing the battery is typically quick and easy. The doctor will make a small incision at the site of the pacemaker, disconnect the device from the leads, connect the new device, and stitch up the incision. They will also test the leads to make sure that they are functioning appropriately. Typically this is done with only a local anesthetic at the implant site. However, with a child I wouldn't be surprised if they had to sedate him during the procedure - just to keep him from moving around.

Recovery should be minimal. If you have more questions or concerns I would definitely consult your doctor.

Was a breeze for me

by oldhamtrader - 2007-04-03 08:04:58

I just had mine replaced in January 06. From the time I arrived at the hospital to the time I left it only took about 7 hours. I think my anesthetic was called twilight sleep, kind of a semi concious state, but they might do something different for your son. I hate to say it is a minor surgery but it was a breeze for me. I was back to work in a week and I have a strenuous job.
I will be praying for you both. I'm sure all will go well. Please keep us updated.


by tcrabtree85 - 2007-04-03 12:04:40

Sorry, I don't have answers for you but i'm sure that somebody will. I just wanted to say that I will keep you in my prayers and your son. I know that it is hard to see your child going through this but stay strong. He sounds like a little trooper and I am sure he will get through things just fine.
If you need somebody to talk to please send me a private message. My prayers are with you and your family. May God Bless You!

Pacemaker battery life

by STennant - 2007-04-04 04:04:01

His battery life is dependant on the type of pacemaker and his usage. The pacer interrogation will be second nature to him soon. It sounds like he is young and will learn to adapt fast.... Take care. My prayers are with you.

Private Message

by kko - 2007-04-04 04:04:41

Hi - check your private messages mailbox. I sent you a note.


by slarnerd - 2007-04-05 02:04:09

Will your son also need new leads due to his growth? My son is almost 9 months old (also CCHB and got pacer at 2 days old) and I am told that his battery and leads will need to be replaced when he is about 3 years old. There is a yahoo group for parents of kids with congenital heart block - it includes moms of paced kids who are teens. They can probably give you some idea and certainly some support during this emotional time. I would love to learn from you as well.
Best wishes.

Tiny pacer means tiny battery

by valbob89 - 2007-04-13 08:04:49

Momma Jen:

I always thought worried moms made good moms. I'm not a dad, so can't help at all with the kid stuff. However: My St. Jude tech rep showed me an infant's pacemaker, and it's much smaller than mine. He mentioned the battery limitation. Your darling's next pacemaker may last longer because it can be bigger.

I do know that kids cry more than us grownups, but they also worry less and recover better and faster.

The leads probably will need to be replaced several times during your child's growth, but not likely as often as the pacemaker I think. And often they leave the old wires in and just attach new ones. This is all quite mature technology and medical treatment. Then again, you have about six times as much experience with pacemakers as I have.

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