
I am a newbie with a pacemaker. I bought a product on line and proceeded to put my credit card in my shirt pocket over my pacemaker. All of a sudden I was getting chest pains, really weird! Then I remembered that credit cards have a magnetic strip in it, when I removed it the pain went away. I guess I have to get a new way of looking at things! LOL


CC Magnetic Strips & Pacemaker

by J.B. - 2011-04-27 11:04:48

If the magnetic strip on a credit card affected your pacemaker you have serious problems awaiting you and your pacemaker. The electromagnetic field created by that strip is so weak it can't possibility bother your pacemaker.

Have you tried to recreate the symptoms you experienced by putting the credit card in your pocket again? If you haven't, give that a try. I think you will find no changes in your pacemaker function, but if you do you need to get to the Dr ASAP as there are many things we encounter each day that have much stronger EMF that the back of a credit card which could cause you serious problems.

Quick test

by ElectricFrank - 2011-04-28 02:04:42

Have a friend insert either your credit card or a plain business card in your pocket while your eyes are closed. tell the friend if you feel any different. Repeat a few time randomly.

If you and your friend are both blind at the end of the experiment you have successfully conducted a double blind study. LOL

Seriously, don't be spooked by magnets etc. I personally don't worry about them.


You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

Member Quotes

A pacemaker suddenly quitting is no more likely to happen than you are to be struck by lightening.