sleeping on the left side

is it necessary to avoid sleeping on the left side during the night
having a pacemaker implanted on the left side under the collarbone/
which kind of gymnastic exercises are recomended to avoid "frozen shoulder "due to the fact that i was instructed not to raise my left hand above the shoulder for 6-8 weeks


left side

by Tracey_E - 2010-12-23 08:12:23

If you're comfortable sleeping on your left side, go for it! Use your left arm as you usually would, just don't raise it higher than shoulder level and we're generally told not to lift over 5 lbs also. Any other movement is fine and should be sufficient to prevent frozen shoulder.


by qwerty - 2010-12-23 09:12:11

Tracey didn't give her usual advice, which I think helped me a lot when i was a newbie. LOTS OF PILLOWS. My PM is on the right side and I really had a lot of trouble sleeping until I took the advice on this board and got some more pillows. I stack and prop until I find what is comfortable. I think you can sleep anyway you want if you can get enough pillows!
You really need to move the arm, just don't go above your head or pick up anything heavy.
I got on my Wii Fit and did the "bicycle ride" a lot when I was newbie. Since this is just walking, I could swing my arms a little and keep it loose but there was no danger of me going over my head.
Welcome to the club.


I agree

by ElectricFrank - 2010-12-24 01:12:18

The pillow helped a lot during the first few nights when the site was fresh. After that I would wake up at times having turned over on the pacer side in my sleep.

I think all you need to do as far as keeping the shoulder freed up is to keep it moving. I didn't do anything specific because I got active quickly. You could just do slow range of motion movements while not going above shoulder height. Morning would be a good time after having immoble during the night. You may find the pacer wants to rear up if you cross the pacer arm over your chest. It's not likely to do any damage, but for the first few days it can surprise you with a twinge of pain.


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