
Has anyone ever had their leads replaced?  I’m about to have a battery change and one lead replaced. Like to know how they replace a lead.

Thanks, Lee


i have

by fojimo - 2011-06-03 11:06:15

i just had 5 leads removed. they use a laser with a sheath to loosen it from the walls. pull it out and replace with a shiney new one. try not to be alarmed by what you read about the risks. sure there is a risk as with all surgerys but they have come a long way with this one. just make sure your surgeon has lots of experience with removing them. he/she should do at minimum 100 a year.


by Tracey_E - 2011-06-03 12:06:11

It depends on your age, your dr's preferences and how much space there is in the vein. I had room, so we simply added my new lead on top of what was there. If there hadn't been room, we would have extracted as fojimo described. If you are very young, some drs prefer to extract and start fresh rather than fitting in a third lead.

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