Post Surgery Limitations

I was advised by my cardiologist not to lift my left arm above my shoulder or even move it rapidly. How long will these restrictions apply? I had surgery 8 days ago.



6 weeks min

by Hot Heart - 2011-05-12 03:05:35

Hi there! It's only until your leads have bedded in. You should be given a check up where you are asked to raise your arm and they do an xray to make sure that they havnt moved.



by Tracey_E - 2011-05-12 06:05:45

Ask three docs and get three answers, but 6-8 weeks is average. You can and should move your arm so your shoulder doesn't freeze, just be careful about raising it too high.

Same Question

by bchgirl - 2011-05-12 11:05:43

I just had my implant 10 days ago, and had the same question, along with others. They gave me a sling to wear at night, but I keep managing to roll over on my side. I worry I've harmed myself. My check-up is a week from today. I guess they will do another x-ray like the one the day following surgery to ensure the leads have remained where they should?

Follow Up

by Perceval - 2011-05-13 04:05:37

I know what you mean! Last week, just after surgery I was frightened to move my eyebrows in case I caused some damage but this week I have been much more chilled. I have an appointment this afternoon with the cardiologist so keeping my fingers crossed that nothing has moved.

Good News

by Perceval - 2011-05-13 05:05:37

My appointment went well and the cardiologist was pleased with his handiwork! My ECG was fine and the pacemaker is working constantly which was expected. My blood pressure is high so I am going to have 24 hour monitoring to see if it is really high or the white coat effect! He asked me to lift my arm slowly above my head and said that I can now lift it so long as I do it slowly. I will now be able to wash my own hair ;-) . He believes I have an electrical fault only although I am going to have an echocardiogram to make sure there is no damage (which he is expecting to be as it was a year ago- fine). Thank you for your responses.


Fingers Crossed!

by bchgirl - 2011-05-13 09:05:24

Best of wishes for your appointment. I was hoping for an earlier appointment for my follow-up, but there just weren't any before next week. They did the initial x-rays in the hospital the morning following surgery, but that's been it thus far. I do have a home blood pressure/heart rate monitor kit, and my heart rate has been maintaining 60+ as my PM is set if that's any indicator. I'm still just really tired so hoping they can adjust me upwards a bit. Hope your appointment goes well this afternoon! Karla

All is well

by lady di - 2011-05-23 03:05:45

Dont worry. When I went to the doctor the first time after I received my pm, I was also afraid to breath. I think that it was the pain the told me what to do. I couldnt sleep on my right side because it hurt. So when it hurt , I stopped. When I went to the doctor, all was well. So listen to the pain, it will tell you what to do and what not do to.
Lady Di

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