Weight Loss

Hey There Everyone - It's been a while since I've posted, and I hope everyone is doing well! I have a question for those who have had their pacemakers longer than me. I really want to start a new weight loss program called Plexus Slim that so many of my friends are doing, but it has a weight loss accelerator that is key to the weight loss success. The website says it's the equivalent of coffee; however, I'm also very cautious about trying anything of this nature with my pacemaker. Any advice?



by Pookie - 2012-03-12 09:03:34

Hi bchgirl:)

It has been awhile, glad to see you back.!!!

Re: the weight loss. Does coffee make your heart beat funny? - it makes mine race. So I think if caffeine makes your heart do anything out of the ordinary, I'd perhaps speak to your doc about it first. Actually I've read whenever anyone wants to start a diet, they really should talk it over with their doc.

Have you ever tried Weight Watchers? I've heard so many good things about this program....meaning that most people who have taken this route are much more apt to keep the weight off.

Just be careful about any diet that promises you great results because usually most people will lose some weight, but in the end they end up gaining it all back and then some. Plus one has to be careful that you're messing with something that hasn't been proven to be safe.

Portion control & walking (or swimming) is a great way to lose weight....not that I'm an expert, but I do read a lot.

Another idea might be going to a nutrionist.

Good luck,


by Peg541 - 2012-03-12 11:03:42

I lost 133 lbs with Weight Watchers. They are the best and safest weight loss plan out there. Do not take drugs or whatever that stuff is. A triple latte caused my first atrial fib and I ended up with a pacemaker. WW works. I work for them now and have kept my weight off close to four years now.

Weight Loss

by Parrothead57 - 2012-03-13 03:03:01

I agree with Pookie also. If there was a magic pill for weight loss we'd all be thin.

The best way to successful weight loss is proper diet and exercise. Weight Watchers is a good healthy program.


by bchgirl - 2012-03-13 09:03:42

How awesome! I'm so proud for you! I will definitely look into the WW program.

You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

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I, too, am feeling tons better since my implant.