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I am a new member, who had a pace maker installed on 4/18/11. I am an avid right handed golfer, who is scheduled to play two tournaments in Reno on 6/12 & 6/13/11. I will be post surgery 8 weeks on 6/13/11. I have been very careful not to do anything that would endanger my recovery, because I do not want to go through this again. As I understand it you must be careful when swinging a driver so as not to pull the lead wires. My shoulder and incision site feel great at this point. Are there any golfers who have gone through this who can give me some advice as to when it will be safe to resume my golfing?



by sarge - 2011-05-13 01:05:18

Hey Trojans......I would have a very serious sit down with Doc as the time frame you mentioned is less than 2 months from implant date. I was just cleared by my doctor a month ago and I have had mine since Nov10. Just saying.....


by Tracey_E - 2011-05-13 03:05:16

Check with your dr. In general they tell us to keep the arm down and not lift for 6-8 weeks. I live in a HUGE golf area (PGA headquarters and most golf courses per capita in the country) so my instructions included golf specifically and it said 3 months to do a full golf swing. That's very conservative, odds are after the first week if they're in, they're going to stay in and it won't be a problem. The rest of the time is just being on the safe side.

It has nothing to do with how you feel, it's how well the leads have grown into place, that they've had time for the scar tissue to build enough to anchor the leads well.

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by trojans - 2011-05-13 03:05:30

Hi Sarge and Hot Heart-thanks for the comments. I have an appointment with my doctor 4 days before I am scheduled to play in Reno. I'll be guided by whatever he tells me I can or cannot do. The waiting IS NOT EASY!

hi trojans

by Hot Heart - 2011-05-13 03:05:40

I would imagine that it should be ok. Your golf swing isnt likely to take your arm high above your head, so I can't really see how it could dislodge your leads. Nornally after 6 weeks they are well bedded in as well. I think the sort of things that you need to avoid are things which involve stretching up, so I wouldnt recommend swinging in any trees trying to find the ball you lose in the rough!


Agree, Ask

by bchgirl - 2011-05-13 05:05:02

I don't play golf, but I love thrill rides. Unfortunately, the timing isn't going to allow for it this year. We've taken our children since they were small to Orlando every year for the past 20 years. This year, my cardiologist advised I "may" be allowed to ride simulator type rides in a couple months when we return, but definitely no roller coasters, or anything that will jar me. I, too, feel great! Ready to "rock and roll," so to speak, but I've been told not to do anything with my arm over my head or lift anything heavier than a milk jug. My impant is only 10 days old. Frustrating, but worth it at the end of the day. Best wishes with your Golf Tournament either way!

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by trojans - 2011-05-13 07:05:50

Thanks to all who responded to my first question today. Can someone tell me how the doctor will be able to tell if everything is in the right place when I go back on 6/7/11? Do they take an x-ray? Use the "wand" over the pace maker? How do they know if the leads have remained in place? Can you feel it if the leads are disconnected? Thanks.


by Tracey_E - 2011-05-13 09:05:37

If the leads are displaced, it shows up in the report. If you feel good, they're fine! If they were dislodged, you'd feel like you did before you got it. If they suspected a problem, they'd do an xray to confirm.

They'll use the wand over the pm every time you have it checked. It gives them a print out of how much it's worked, how it's worked, if everything is ok.


by Hot Heart - 2011-05-14 02:05:53

hi they asked me to lift my arm and xrayed and then checked the xrays from the day that they put it in to make sure they hadnt moved.


Hi Trojans

by walkerd - 2011-05-15 07:05:15

I had open heart on Aug 1st, pm installation on Sept 16th, went golfing the 2nd week of November, but remember Im a hacker and not a tournment player, make sure its clear with your doc, I know for me I was really aware and scared of my swing which is far from perfect, but my advice to you is make sure your Doctor clears you for this. And the mind is a strong source and you will be aware of your pm for really the first 6 months to the first year, so be prepared for a not so average game because your mind is going to tell you hey there is a pm down there oh it hurts or you hurt it. But maybe not my mind kept telling me about the big zipper looking thing on my chest plus the pm site. Good luck just dont push on your own clear with doc.


You know you're wired when...

You participate in the Pacer Olympics.

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My pacemaker is intact and working great.