Rate drop response

Just had my first checkup after having the rate drop response turned on. It reported >250 detections in a 3 mth period. I calculated that I was having more than 50 of these detections a day as the usage had increased from 10 to 17%. It also seems to be using up the battery faster as I changed from 5 to 3 1/2 years left. My question is, do you think that any normal person would also have this number of events ? I got the impression from the technician that this was the case. Maybe he didn't comment as my cardiologist was also present. How many other people with rate drop response on record that number of events?
Also it had been 3 mths of not having any bad days with pre fainting feelings so I was feeling really good about the results. Then a few days later I had one of those days. Now I feel a little down as it took so long to get the rate drop response turned on and it does not seem to have solved the problem. I guess I just need a little more tweaking.



by shockbox340 - 2008-06-30 10:06:53


that many episodes is not terribly unusual, and it certainly indicates that you need it on! However, RDR frequently requires some delicate fine-tuning to get it aggressive enough to prevent your symptoms but not so aggressive that you are symptomatic from the actual pacing when it occurs (a lot of people notice that rapid increase in rate, especially at night). The adjustments are not basic, so they may require some deep thoughts by your technician and some trial and error. Give them plenty of feedback on your symptoms, both the dizziness/feinting feelings and the pounding chest feelings. Best of luck!

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