time for a new pacemaker

Hello everyone,

SO i went today to schedule getting my new pacemaker. I think I am more nervous now then I was for the first one. Anything I should be concerned about or am I being a big sissy? Thanks for the help


Getting A New Pacemaker

by SMITTY - 2011-08-10 10:08:47

Hello J Fields,

I think being a little nervous anytime we know someone is going to be whittling on our body is normal. But getting that second pacemaker will be easier (slightly) than getting the first one. The pain or discomfort I had with my second was about the same as my first one. Since it was not necessary to replace either of my leads the restrictions on arm use were much less and for a shorter time. I had the same restriction on weight lifting for both.

So my suggestion is to just take a deep breath and tell them to bring it on.

Good luck,


Waiting for #3 & nervous too

by janetinak - 2011-08-10 11:08:28

as Smitty says above, little bit of nervous is normal. My #2 went great & I had a lead replacement (just got pulled out & new one in after 2.5 yrs). So hoping for a quick in & out this time for #3.


know how you feel

by kiwigirl - 2011-08-11 01:08:38

I was really panicking when I had to have mine replaced but all went well.
No you are not being a big sissy
Good luck with it


My change out experience

by ksig - 2011-08-11 01:08:53

I worried, too, before my first change out. Actually, I worried A LOT because I am 100% paced. The folks on this board (Tracey E, Electric Frank, Patch and Smitty) all gave me accounts on what to expect. And they were right. So I mustered up some courage and asked for a minimal amount of sedation as I wanted to be awake as much as possible. I even picked the music to listen to in the Cath Lab! I selected Queen and Black Eyed Peas. I wanted to rock and have an uplifting time. And I did. I was only "out" when they placed the temporary pacer but I was fully cognizant of the rest of the procedure. It went quick, then off to lay flat for a couple of hours due to the temp pacer. I left the hospital soon after. In fact, I walked off the floor, down the elevator, out the door, crossed the street to find my car in the parking garage. I had no need of the obligatory wheel chair. It was a very easy procedure and recovery... only wound care.

Good luck. I hope you find the procedure simple and quick with little to worry about.

Being a big Sissy?

by ElectricFrank - 2011-08-11 01:08:55

Yep, but enjoy it.

I chose to have mine without seditives or anesthesia (a few shots of a local around the site). I was in and out in a few hours, and except for taking care of the incision was back at it full steam the next day.

Told my dentist it was a lot easier than a root canal. He didn't like that.

Best wishes. Let us know how it goes.



by donb - 2011-08-11 10:08:27

Yup, Dentists & Dental Technicians are sometimes cruel. I had more discomfort from the gal cleaning my molars than any of my 7 PM related surgeries. She was rough!!! I must say I've been very fortunate with my PM Implants. My last was my right chest implant and leads which wasn't anymore painfull than my PM changes. I have had more discomfort from poor management of "happy juice" during cardiac catherization than PM changes. donb

Temporary pacemaker

by ElectricFrank - 2011-08-12 01:08:43

I guess my cardiologist has lot of confidence both in himself and me. I asked him about pacer support while he was changing the leads. He said there was no need since I would only lose a few beats. When he was doing it I told him I hoped he didn't fumble the new one. I think I only missed a couple beats.

I'm jealous though. I didn't get any music. Both with my original implant and the replacement I made an agreement with the anesthesiologist that he would have happy juice ready if I needed it, but would not use it unless I asked. I never came anywhere near asking. Doing that way though makes it easier to relax knowing it is available. It was funny though. As they were wheeling me out of OR I heard someone say "I didn't think he would go through it. He didn't even sound nervous".


No temp. for me either:)

by SaraTB - 2011-08-12 12:08:16

Although I'm 100% paced, they didn't use the external pacer for me either, during my replacement procedure - just had the whole team ready to perform the switch REALLY quickly! It was almost funny.

jfields, I hope you feel encouraged that the procedure is a straightforward one - I had some sedation, but was kept awake, and could even chat with them, albeit in a groggy way. Procedure was around 9.00am, I was allowed to leave by noon and was home having lunch by 1.00.

Good luck, and let us know how you get one.

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