airport security

Hi all,

pls help. I know there a so many postings on airport security but I have not found one that may solve prob. I went to south africa last week (my second fly since pacemaker). I passed a number of security checks but there was no alarm of any metal inside me! I then thought, ' may be they arent working', may be, may be. I then went to Tanzania same story. Am now in tanzania. no pacemaker checks here until I get back home. I am really confused. Is my pacer not working? what happened? I remember several alarms when I was flying back after the pacer surgery. pls, pls help. Frank, wherever u are pls

wit love


Similar Experience

by Beach Boy - 2011-09-19 08:09:12


I had a similar expereince last June.
We did a tour of South Africa, including several
internal flights, and a flight to Zimbabwe.

I passed through numerous metal detectors, both
in Afica and in US airports. My Medtronics pacemaker
did not set off any of the detectors.

Upon return, I had my regualary schedule PM check, and a visit to my cardiologist. Everything checked out fine.

Having had this expereince, and in reading other posts,
I believe that for the most part the titanium case of the
PM does not routinely set off metal detectors.

Hope this proves helpful.

Beach Boy

Airport Metal Detectors

by J.B. - 2011-09-19 09:09:48

Like most electronic security devices the sensitivity of those metal detectors metal is adjustable. I would say those you went through were sensitive enough to detect weapons made of metal but will not detect a pacemaker buried in a person's body. If your pacemaker is or is not working will have no effect on wether a metal detector will detect it. You can stop worrying.

its the metal it detects not the pm

by Hot Heart - 2011-09-22 10:09:58

hi, ive walked through hundreds of metal detectors in prison and they have never gone off, not once. however did set off an alarm in a supermarket once! my pm is definitely there, the fairies havnt taken it away in the night, i can feel it! lol.


Pm compatable security

by Sunny70 - 2011-11-17 01:11:01

I recently went to Reagen Airport and they have a special walk-thru that is compatable with pms. NICE.


by marsupial - 2011-11-25 01:11:13

I checked with Medtronic they said they were fine to go through, so I have no problems at Sea Tac or Tokyo
or norfolk,
go figure,

So Id say you PM is doing fine....the detectors just check for metal.....

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