
Several months ago i recieved a StJude pacemaker and have had some discomfort using my arc welder.I am a rancher and need to do some some small mending jobs with my welder.Does anyone know if there is some type of metalic fiber that could be made into a vest to protect me from a electromagnetic field caused by my arc welder?


Arc Welder

by ElectricFrank - 2011-06-08 02:06:55

Anything that would provide enough magnetic shielding would be way too heavy to wear.

The best thing to try is to keep the welding leads as close together as possible (twisting them is good). The fields cancel each other since the current is going in opposite directions in them.

What kind of discomfort did you feel? Did it only happen while the arc was struck?

We have several members on the forum who weld. Maybe one of them will respond. I'm an electronics engineer and have worked around high current circuits, but I'm not up on all the latest as far as welders go.


plastic is possible!

by Battery operated - 2011-06-08 04:06:24

they just realesed a new pacer that is compleatly plastic, U can us arc welders, go through metal detectors, and have mris!!! ask the doc about it. my cardiologist just started inplanting them here!!

told not to be around arcs

by ceda - 2011-06-09 02:06:19

my name is ceda..i have been in sales for over 20 years..last 14 i specialized in construction, industrial nad hydraulic supllies...been in and around many welding shops, machine shops,, and such...curently unemployed..but i asked my doctor..when i went back to work...How would it affect me being near these many magnetic machines?...he told me...not to be directly under a hood of an auto..becasue of the carburaotr..and told me i should not be welding....i am not a welder....but i will not go near any arcing...might wanna ask your doctor...

Most of the docs don't understand

by ElectricFrank - 2011-06-10 01:06:55

The most ridiculous is saying to stay away from the carburetor on an engine. There is nothing electric in a carburetor, its all gasoline. Not only that but all engines made in the last 10-15 years use fuel injectors rather than carbs.I work on my own cars including a 19997 Jeep and hang over the hood with the engine running. No problem at all.

As far as being around machinery as a sales rep you shouldn't have a problem as long as you use some sense. I would avoid standing on top of welding cables, and some of the older electric motors have a higher magnetic field around them. Maybe a good chance to sell the customers a modern motor! LOL


You know you're wired when...

You have a maintenance schedule just like your car.

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I am a competitive cyclist with a pacemaker!