4 weeks post PM implant...

I had a PM implanted 3 weeks ago today. I was given specific instructions

1. no lifting elbow on my left arm above my shoulder (had Pm placed in left pedtoral muscle) for 4 week
2. no weight lifting for 6 full weeks
3. I could do cardio (recomb bike-- no arm push or pull) immediately

I talked to my cardiologist this morning and he told me that I could back to normal activities after 4 weeks (which is 7 more days)

Is this the advice most of you received??????

I plan to wait a full 6 weeks before resuming weight lifting and plan to "ease" back into it over 4-6week


different advice

by Parrothead57 - 2011-06-28 10:06:54

Hi biceps,
We all get different advice on this. 4-6 weeks is the norm. I do light weights at the gym. My cardio told me to wait 8 weeks for over the head lifting. So I started below shoulder stuff after 6 weeks and over head (shoulder press, pull downs etc) after 8 weeks.

new pacemaker

by shartey - 2011-06-28 11:06:05

I got very little information, saw my dr for a total of 10 minutes, was told not to drive for 2 weeks, not to lift anything over 10 lbs for a month...

Had a bad reaction to 1st drug, landed me back in the hospital for 3 days.

Now I am just easing myself back into a routine, the nurse at the gym checked my pressure while I walked on the treadmill...and suggested only 10 minutes for about two weeks then gradual increases.

dart board

by Parrothead57 - 2011-06-29 02:06:17

My EP had a similar dart board only the spaces were: beta blocker, ace inhibitor, pacemaker, icd.

Finally figured this one out

by ElectricFrank - 2011-06-29 12:06:57

While I was waiting for the cardiologist to see me I peeked into the adjacent room where he stops before seeing each new patient who has just received a pacer. On the wall is a dart board with concentric circles marked "2 wks", "3 wks", "4 wks", and the bulls eye "8wks". The wall around the board says "Go for it and scare they silly".

Makes so much sense.


I am amazed

by shartey - 2011-07-02 02:07:24

Now at my 3rd week...and life is fairly normal...infact I feel better than I did the months before they figured what was wrong with me....

I had months of fatigue, and nothing showed, my heart on skipped a beat once in awhile, but the drs never saw it when it was dropping to 33 beats, and I did not realize what was happening...suddenly it was happening more and more often.

So now, with the pacemaker, I feel much better, and can see my old self returning.

Doing most normal things...but not lifting or over using my left arm.

You know you're wired when...

You have a 25 year mortgage on your device.

Member Quotes

I can honestly say that I am feeling absolutely amazing!