New Pacemaker

Hi All,
Just had a new PM and 2nd lead implanted, and thought I would be a new person when I came out of the Cath Lab. So much for that thought! I'm very disappointed with how this has turned out. I'm still having bouts of palpitations, the shortness of breath and the heavy feeling in my chest is better. I told my Dr. about it, but he just gave me this look like he thought I was making it all up and ignored it! Maybe I need a new Dr. too! Huh!
Have any of you had this problem when you had a new PM implanted? It's a very scary thing...for me!
Would appreciate any information I can get from anyone here that maybe has had this problem. I go back to the Dr. next Wed. to get stitches removed, and will bring up the bouts of palps with him again. I would like to know what is going on.
Thanks all, for any information you can pass on to me.


new pm

by sugar - 2011-06-17 07:06:41

I was a basket case for 10 months till my body and my mind that is left got used to this thing along with all the mind altering thoughts etc. Tired, sad and whatever I feel was a direct result of the pm. Things I never felt before started showing up and I also was gutted out only 6 months before the pm implant so for sure the lack of hormones didn't help. I mean gutted and then this crazy machine was installed. I am like a used car that doesn't always work. You are so new to it and make sure the dr. listens and hears. Write down your questions and write down the answers so you know he got it. I am really tired of hearing that drs. don't believe that depression, pains, and sleepless nights go along with this pm stuff. It does and as I became used to it, some of the stuff does get better and farther apart in time. Trust yourself and please don't be afraid to ask, ask and more asking.

New PM

by MLValadez - 2011-06-17 09:06:35

Thanks Sugar! This is my 2nd PM. and I'm having bouts of palps. with it. I was hoping to be able to do some light exercise, after the healing time is up. Maybe some walking to try and lose some of this weight I'v packed on. I guess what I really wanted to know is, will the palpitations stop or decrease with time!
Wow Sugar, you really had a major overhaul! Hope you're better now!

You know you're wired when...

You have a $50,000 chest.

Member Quotes

To tell you the truth I never even give it a second thought. While growing up it never stopped me from doing anything and to this day my girlfriend or my kids need to remind me that I have one!