New to this

I'm new here. Had Biotronik pm implanted 2 weeks ago for SSS. I started feeling Tired yesterday and noticed my bp going down today it was 98/58 but heart rate good 76. I'm also irritable which isn't my norm. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.


Low BP

by ElectricFrank - 2011-07-13 01:07:07

My BP tends to go through low spells since getting the pacer. I have no idea why.

With your very recent pacemaker implant you could be just letting your weight down after going though the whole experience. That would also account for feeling a bit irritable also.

My suggestion is to give yourself another week or so to see how things settle out. Pookies suggestion about settings is also a good one.


Welcome :)

by Pookie - 2011-07-13 12:07:25


Was your bp normally this low prior to having your pacemaker?

Have you had your pacemaker "interrogated" yet? If not, I would suggest that you call whoever did your surgery and ask that you have your pacer checked sooner rather than later....telling them what you are experiencing, of course.

Usually when we get our pacemakers most of the settings are set at a default and these settings are usually "fine tuned" for YOU after the leads have had a chance to settle.

Just remember: Never hesitate to call and tell them what you are feeling.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care,


by Tommy-2 - 2011-07-13 12:07:46

Are you taking any medications? Many heart medciations cause the symptoms you describe.

You know you're wired when...

You have a dymo-powered bike.

Member Quotes

At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!