Running with Pacer

Hi everyone! I need some advice. After having my pacer for 10 years now, I've learned to deal with it. My problem is that I want to start running. I've tried in the past, and always ALWAYS have a hard time with it. Today they raised my High Rate from 160 to 170. I'm hoping that this is enough to make the difference. Has anyone else had a hard time running if they are 100% dependent on their pacers? TIA!



by Tracey_E - 2011-06-28 08:06:49

I am also 100% dependent, lots of us are. We have members here who run marathons so it's possible to run! Why do you have the pm? Have they had you on a treadmill to see what your heart is doing when you run? My upper limit is at 170 now also. I have av block and my atrial rate was getting up to 190-200, so even the 170 wasn't enough. I am on beta blockers now to bring my atrial rate down, my ventricles are fully paced. It took a while to get the balance between the meds and pm settings, but now I can exercise without problems.

I've decided people are born runners or they're not! Me, I don't know why but I can walk all day, go for 45 min on the elliptical or skate for 5 miles but I can't run past the end of my driveway. I changed gyms and we run for warm up every day, several times a week we do longer runs. I go the same distance as everyone else, alternate running and walking, trying to increase how much I run a little each time. After 3 months of working at it I ran my first mile last week. Not a big accomplishment to someone who does marathons, but huge for me :o)

Possible factors

by shockbox340 - 2011-06-30 08:06:01

Several factors could be affecting your exercise heart rate. First off, why did you get it in the first place? If you are chronotropically incompetent (your heart doesn't beat fast enough on its own), it could be your rate response or rate adaptation settings need to be tweaked. If you got the PM for heart block, that shouldn't be the issue.

Ask your pacemaker nurse or doctor about your 2:1 block point - if you have one with your current device settings, and if so at what rate. If 2:1 block is part of the problem, your heart rate would rise smoothly up to a certain point and then get cut in half! (i.e. 130 bpm to 65 bpm instantly). That can kill any workout!

If you haven't had an in-depth evaluation with either a company rep or a device nurse that REALLY knows what he or she is doing, I would strongly suggest that you ask for a check with the company rep present.

Good luck!

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